
You just translated the name in Ancient for your home planet in the Pegasus galaxy into English and it was more or less the same, didn’t you :P

But I think they have the same force-pike as those… As long as they don't get told to leave when facing the only real threat that could be in that room, though, I guess they'll be fine.

Today, Neil deGrasse Tyson posted 9 tweets as "Mysteries of #Interstellar", criticising events that take place in the film, but I disagree with 5 of them. Some show he didn't really pay attention to what was actually happening in those scenes, and some are actually scientifically inaccurate. It's a bit worse than when

Regarding your points 1) and 6)… that doesn't need to be the case. If the black hole is big enough, tidal forces near the event horizon are not nearly as strong as they would be with a stellar mass one, and being in an accretion disk doesn't mean a ship would get torn apart into shrapnel. Planets would never form in

What mistake? I decrypted it wrong, that's all ;)

Hey, that wasn't an answer :D I was expecting something like "Destiny Rocks" but then I got confused…

Another problem the interceptor of a message could have is that, if decryption is successful, the message might still have no apparent meaning. For example, I'm wondering what did you want to say or reference with "FESTINYROCKO" :P

I… think you meant the "Vandenberg" Air Force Base ;)

Hmmm… I think the certification is for the Falcon 9 v1.1, of which this launch was only the 5th one. They had to perform three successful flights before they were allowed to launch the last resupply mission to the ISS, and only two of those had a successful restart of the second stage engine to go to a Geostationary

I love it when the Internet allows people to work together as a true hivemind when in pursue of noble causes… :)

Minute 0:43 in the video: "It's pretty clear that what we're looking at is man-made". Hehee… :D

Okay, so at least one of the solutions on the whiteboard involves sending an electromagnetic pulse of some sort. Several different profiles for the signal are proposed until (or because?) they think any signal would do the trick of… overloading it. What I'm not sure about is if "it" means the space-time bridge itself

I would love to hear that hand-wavy explanation for the flash-freeze rays. I actually went down to the comments of this awesome post to ask about those :D