
You see, there originally was a battery, but ANTIFA fascists stole it. And set the house on fire.

That’s what it sounds like to me, to. Or “So long-a Bowser!” 

If Desus&Mero are not playable characters (at least, DLC), we riot!!!

It does have a very clear meaning though:

“Cancel culture” is like “fake news” - it means nothing, it’s just a phrase they utter to signal to their fellow travelers that something they don’t like is Of The Left, and therefore a bad thing.

I was going to go with the Hannah’s? You know the ones that don’t do anything but always seem to be there?

Stephanie Grisham: Karen or Becky?

I just make sure that me and my own are well stocked and far away from any other human contact as possible. What other people decide to do is none of my business at this point.

Luckily the GOP raised my taxes so I don’t need to worry about a refund.

I’m not against that per se but I do love more the idea of her being Future Doctor.  Up until now the modern Who has always been super secret about who (lol) will play the role next it’s kind of refreshing to not have some big surprise reveal


I just noticed that they’d refunded me. This makes me sad.

Hell yeah, high fives for passing plant fibre completely undigested! What’s that, you used to love spinach? Get fucked!

I liked the Prodigy’s cover best - Warm My Bitch Up

He couldn’t even get dogs, or bees, or dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you. 

I was with you up until,

Gonna guess you don’t have kids, so let me break it down

Dress up like the Klan, get treated like the Klan, and MAGA hats are just the new white hood.

That’s it in a nutshell. They’re afraid that we’d treat them the way they treat us. yet they can’t manage to change the way they treat us.

Because electing and reelecting an irrefutable racist is an act of racism in and of itself, regardless of one’s priorities or intent.