No, Popeyes in the US has not previously had a chicken sandwich on the menu. Po Boys and such, but not a chicken sandwich made of breast meat.
No, Popeyes in the US has not previously had a chicken sandwich on the menu. Po Boys and such, but not a chicken sandwich made of breast meat.
I used to work in the kitchen at a Casey’s. The pizza is pretty good. The dough is made fresh using a mixer with an actual dough hook, instead of some sort of frozen or prepared crust.
Funny enough this has been my recent strategy when I want to yell at my kid, and boy does it work.
It’s not just you. I found myself putting off playing the game for about a week because I didn’t want it to end.
I used to live in Normal, IL. There’s a sign on the street when you get off the highway that says “Racism, not in our town”.
There’s a restaurant in Auburn, Alabama called Cock of the Walk. Sadly it’s riverboat themed, but they do have live peacocks outside.
I’m curious to see the mental gymnastics that would occur by asking “What about that joke is racist?”
I would really like to see a game mostly set in modern time. Something along the lines of ACII a bit where you spend some time in the Animus training and uncovering historical clues that you then bring back into the real world.
5 words come to mind:
They already booted her too.
Well, I guess I know what’s about to be the next big thing in aftermarket car mods:
There’s already a White Rapper named Rittz, and he is leagues better than this garbage.
Trust me it made no sense to me or my tastebuds either.
Surprisingly enough Chuck E has stepped their pizza game up. They do this garlic butter type thing on the crust now that makes the pizza pretty damned good.
Somewhere someone is hosting a slap-the-shit-outta-someone contest, and I want tickets!
It’s been covered in the Clone Wars cartoon. Basically he didn’t die when he was cut in 2 and he got his lower half replaced with cybernetics.
Now in 2019, I can’t figure out whether this was very subtle, or whether a free music-recognition app was laughably impossible in 2007.
Funnily enough she is my pick to put hands on him.
It’s listed right after the 10-piece McKnuckle.