
I saw them in Chicago for that tour.

Because he was forced to by a Dem Congress.


It totally was.

Not gonna lie, I got a kick out of watching Ginny pretending to throw to Buster Posey.

Agree with you on Sleepy Hollow, but this is different for me. I want to see a relatively realistic story about the first woman in MLB, and not have it be about how she's falling for a teammate and all of the angst around that.

Yeah. The Padres wore those all year.

But I thought he loved Moneyball!

Young Ray Holt is amazing.

Someone with Photoshop needs to get on that.

I spent much of this episode wincing because the funny was overshadowed by my embarrassment squick…and then the last five minutes made it all worth it.

And it turns out that's how you stop the apocalypse.

Yup. Very nice framing.

I love the show, but I have to say that I don't find Katrina and Ichabod all that compelling, and not just because I ship Ichabbie hard. Ichatrina is all tell, and no show. We know he loves her because he says so, but the premise doesn't allow many opportunities to see that, and even when we do, it's a brief flashback

I just want to say that I totally called the Ichabod clothing solution. Well, maybe not totally—I said he should try to find the local SCA chapter—but definitely the same idea.

I kind of liked Fallen. And in the last episode, when the demon started body-jumping, I was humming that song.

It's easy! Google "SCA" and comission some outfits from a period costumer! Granted, Ichabod's a little later than the SCA period, but it shouldn't be that difficult to come up with something. Call it "Pre-Steampunk" and you could start a fashion trend.

I was disappointed that his shirt was so long.

Valentine's Day. While explaining the custom to Ichabod, things happen, and whoops, Abbie's committed a mortal sin—thus, Ichabod "delivering her soul" to Moloch.