apparently he did not know how to use his mirrors
apparently he did not know how to use his mirrors
65% percent of the trucks are going 65+ miles going the the highway at any given moment, I would estimate that at least 15% to 20% of truck driver have less than 1 year experience
one needs to leave more room for error on the side one cant see due to the swing of the trailer
does he still work for fed-EX
It is actually very easy to do that maneuver with a day cab or single axle city truck it becomes more difficult with a road tractor . Probably imposible with that long wheel base 200 plus inch black Freightliner in the picture. it is possible you just need a lot more space.
If you got a crappy product, law suits and claims will banrupt you. on the other hand if they are banned from tranportation public or private properties SEGWAY boards are probably to pricey for most people to own one. Their sales may fall and never make a come back. Segway makes good products usually not toys to bad…
That may be an interesting story will you share it. Were your little horns and devil tail starting to grow then.
Prices, taste texture may vary Go for it Girls if the government is going to cash in you also have the right it’s all legal. Every one making a profit and satisfiying their munchies are happy except the.!! lazy,indifferent,unpassionate
If I could only have you ask donald one question what would be.
Katie stay away from politics, they can be just as deceiving as puppets, muppets and other characters
you have penilephobia
Sorry didn’t catch the 20+ years plus the dozens of partners, never said she was lying, what exatcly would one call maintanence sex.
Surely she is not going to admit it here, she must be of the younger generation.
A sexual partner with benefits usually not living together. Look on craigs list not uncommon today, for people that aren’t getting it at home in marriage, exept she wants to carry it further she wants to be selective
Badfae is correct could not put it better myself
She is looking for a friend with SELECTED benefits.
It’s not like any other deal breaker, when you get into a relationship marriage or ltr, being there emotionally as well as physically for sexual activity in which both agree and enjoy. one just cant pick and choose. what one likes or prefers.