
Eh, not really. You’re trying far too hard for someone who got upset over a completely valid comment. Blah blah blah rent free blah blah you still responded with two comments so we’re living in both of our heads rent free. That was a mid insult at best, and not well thought out (again, you lack critical thinking

You seem to lack awareness, critical thinking skills, and intelligence if we’re being honest. Aside from one user calling you a lunatic, you’re simply attacking people calling out your overreactive (and honestly senseless) original comment. You’ve attempted to spoil the game for multiple users as a retaliatory measure.

The only person crying here is you. Notice how you (and I truly encourage you to actually read the responses to you) got so flustered with being called out that you ignored all the valid points brought to your attention and instead chose to spoil the ending as an unwarranted retaliatory measure, similar to how a 16

I just spent 15 minutes perusing the web trying to find a download link after seeing this article. If I only I had scrolled down sooner. Thank you so much!!!

Is this a good time to obnoxiously point out that I’m vegan?

Hey man are you ok?

THANKS TO MY MOM FOR GIVING AWAY MY COPY OF CRIMSON SKIES (and for buying it in the first place, thanks mom!)


Such a shame regarding the downward spiral of this game. The phenomenon that occurred at its launch is something I think they could’ve kept up with some better strategy, but alas.

Without trying to defend the owner of the Camry, wouldn’t them immediately slamming on the brakes result in the biker probably flying over the windshield into the road in front of them? They suck either way, but it seems like gradually slowing down may have been the safer option.

Ordered that triple LP as soon as I found it was live on Relapses site, I cannot wait to get it.

If you need to check your phone during the film, you need to wait until it is out on DVD/Blu-Ray. Simple as that.

My favorite part of the book, if I’m remembering correctly, was how the people of North Korea straight up disappeared, and it was a mystery what happened to them.

Bless this article!

Hazardous Mutation was (and still is) MY JAM, but for me personally, I thought Iron Reagan has stayed stronger musically with each release than MW has.

“House of Horrors” match, also known as “Randy Orton plays Resident Evil 7 VR” match

I’ve become more of an Iron Reagan guy than Municipal Waste guy and I feel kind of bad about it

Halo game campaigns don’t matter all that much, of course.”

That’s awesome, although that would one guy would’ve ticked me off (and I used to have a friend who did stuff like that so I sympathize)
