Dark Pulse

I think this map is a bit more useful for people. It is from John Hopkins and gives an idea as to how screwed each state/territory is regarding school openings. It also provides links to the actual documents that each area has regarding that. For instance, right now my state is staying with mostly distance

Man, no one ever shows Vice: Project Doom any love, probably because it sucks. It’s so pretty, though.

Also known as Boong-Ga Boong-Ga.

I don’t think gotta catch em’ all” is gonna be a good slogan. 

I miss space ghost.

According to a study by Morrison, et al (1967), brown-eyed people need to check their privilege, including but not limited to:

Until the 3rd version, which was called“Timbits: The Tim Horton’s Adventure 4".

It is for Israel.

Yeah, the women are asleep...

It’s great! Except for those horrible, terrible bits with Malroth when text slowly rolls onto the screen then waits a minute per word and... you... can’t... skip... it...

Sadly, this is as close as we’re likely ever to get to a new Chrono game.

And now for this disclaimer: We’ve known from the start that this would die in the senate. Nothing has changed. It will still die in the senate. The precedent will be set that this conduct is actually okay in the eyes of the “deliberative body,” and we will all be exactly where we were six months ago--and six months

i cant wait for the day when i read his name is followed by “was grisly murdered during a fight he started”

Even though Shadow Hearts never reached the popularity of say, FF and the likes, there are people, good people, who would yearn to play anything related to the series, a remake, a sequel, just anything!

Now playing

The VRC chips are very neat. I love reading about developers managing to push a console past its limits with chips built into the actual cartridges like that. It seems like the SNES examples of that are more well-known, with Star Fox using the Super FX chip prominently in the marketing. But the NES/Famicom examples

It’s okay, Joe didn’t really die. He was just sent to another dimension.
