Dark Pulse

Actually, the bolus of orders was in the first 90 minutes, at least in the US.

Currently, there are 48 Senators willing to fix this. If you get two more, you get what you want, and a whole lot more. You also need to keep the Democrat majority in the House.

Context and clarity are everything.

I do know how to read. Hence my comment.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still pretty cool that it’s a LEGO brick (and that part is rightly impressive).

Not to be the killjoy here, but basically it running via a PC and being streamed to the teeny tiny little screen is not running Doom, IMO. It has to actually run Doom to count.

Do not forget to wash down potato with potato alcohol drink.

While I get that you are offended by a word, the context in which a word is used is what matters.

It’s possible. Emulation inaccuracies could cause all sorts of fun bugs.

I never heard of that for PSIV, and it’s not documented on TCRF, either.


Never have I wanted Twitter to be more filled with bots than right now.

I’ve been playing first-person shooters since I was perhaps 10 or so, and handled some BB guns when I was around that age. Never shot a real person in my life.

Fill my wallet with holes, and let me cry forevermore
Cash is all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I’ll stalk you

When you’ve got “But the tool says that our main female lead isn’t ethnic enough!” instead of letting the actual story or plot determine what sorts of characters would be best for your story, you’ve got a real problem.

Gotta love having the balls to do it, but not having the balls to do it all the way.

Space Delta 10 is actually pretty easy to solve.

Meanwhile, if I had $1.8 million dollars, I’d be making sure that I invest it wisely, that my mother could live out her remaining days in comfort, that I stay rich... and of course, that I spend the rest of my life pursuing projects I’d want to do, instead of slave labor.

The funny thing for me is that I heard Charles Martinet speaking full sentences before he was speaking single words.

One person’s ego causing a bunch of other people to suffer the consequences?