Seems Razer flunked Marketing 101 if most people don’t even know they had a store in the first place.
Seems Razer flunked Marketing 101 if most people don’t even know they had a store in the first place.
Funny. Aside from her face and her chest, she looks like a skinned skeleton to me, not an actual woman.
The scumbag just can’t wait to eat his burrito, huh? Like he’ll fucking starve if he has to wait an hour while everyone showers and changes.
I just hope they don’t mandate Switch Online to play/get levels.
Cross-play on Sony is easy. Just cough up a percentage of the gross profits from those sweet, sweet microtransactions that the really popular games do.
Wow, Geo. A brand I haven’t thought much of since the good old days of Kiss 98.5's “B.O. Geo” promotions during the Erie County Fair in the baking hot August sun.
“A lot of people get into Twitch and YouTube dreaming of being the next Pewdiepie or Ninja,” said Banzai. “I just want to be someone’s Mister Rogers.”
Saw the first one and I knew immediately it was Hinata Wakaba from Rival Schools.
I remember once eating a 2-year out of date box of Kix during my childhood when we were having really rough times.
It’s funny how the Republicans are generally the ones yelling “BUT MUH GUNS” and then get all crazy over gun violence epidemics.
(Sorry, it’s all I could think of when I read that headline.)
Losing litigation, ironically, is one thing he’s very good at.
For me, it’d have to be Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Another Festivus MIRACLE!
How about this. From wherever he lives, he gets to walk to work.
Wait, we have a Union?
And if they say it, not sure if I should laugh right on cue, or go “Well yeah, this party probably really DOES think she’s an ignorant slut.”
If only he hadn’t whiffed on his right hook to the external occipital protuberance.
Let them. Then it ain’t my tax money going towards some useless wall that the really smart crooks will find ways around anyway. It’s pretty much a fait accompli when even most Republicans will admit that the wall isn’t going to do anything in private.
Trump, December 20th (via Spokesblob): “Democrats are unwilling to protect our nation.”