Dark Pulse

It’s entirely possible, and we probably won’t know who approached who. But either way, when a creative work can just boil down to whoever gives you money for it, to me, that’s when you’re not into creating worlds, and are instead just into profiting off them.

Honestly, it’s been that way for awhile - FFX-2, all the Final Fantasy VII stuff like Crisis Core and Advent Children... the list could go on.

To be fair, XV is also an outlier in terms of development. Most FFs take a few years, yes, but ten is certainly an anomaly.

Basically, when the unusual becomes the new normal, that’s something that makes me notice. Want to make a Final Fantasy fighting game? Great! Go ahead and do it - like you did with Dissidia.

Great. Just what I need, Final Fantasy XV in yet another game. Square’s decision to essentially pimp the thing and turn it into a whole franchise as opposed to just, you know, making another fucking Final Fantasy like they used to is one of those cases where greed has clearly won out over quality.

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Sure they can. All they have to do is switch party lines from being Republicans to being Democrats, and watch as they’re bible-thumped from their very seat by god-fearing, white Christian conservatives.

That’s exactly what Trump wants.

And the people who sacked those who were just sacked now would like to inform everyone that they have been sacked.

What I don’t get is why Valve has to act like 1990s Nintendo of America, and act like it’s got a moral imperative to protect users from content.

Look man, it’s either this or you rounding up a gang of other Kotaku editors to have a good old-fashioned session of everyone’s favorite pen-and-paper RPG, FATAL.

But you also can’t start the car without the keys, and you can make the keys virtually impossible for the child to accesss.

Fun fact: The “Million Dollar Bonus” is in fresh, crisp Zimbabwe Dollars.

Being white myself, I hate how these fuckers give all white folks a bad name. Fuck that “White Lives Matter” garbage. You can’t fuck over a whole race of people for literally hundreds of years and then get all buttmad when they - rightfully - want to be treated as equal as others and not some second-class citizen.

I hate to be that one guy, but after the first time, these parents needed to have the keys in their possession at all times and really consider installing some sort of anti-tamper device on the cars. (Like “The Club” or something, I dunno.)

“Gesundheit” is my go-to. I like it precisely because it’s not some weird religious mumbo-jumbo, but it’s literally wishing the person feel better, and I’m down with that (especially if I get hay fever and can trigger 30+ sneezes in a row simply by licking the roof of my mouth).

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Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu/Dragon Ball Z Legends on the PS1. (And Saturn, as well.)

Imagine how much more impressive it’d be if you could build more than 256 blocks high.

You know what they should do? Make a movie about this.

It’ll get replaced with this.