Dark or Stormy

A fair point. I guess I just get my back up about people not taking him seriously. I know he's an imbecile - but it's terrifying to me how popular of an imbecile he is.

Here's the thing, though: I think at this point, you can't ignore him. He's gotten disturbingly far in this process, all things considered. And while his chances of winning have gone from maybe snowball's-chance-in-hell to slightly-bigger-snowball's-chance in hell, he has tapped into a current of hatred and fear that

"I'm getting really fucking tired of fighting against middle America's desire to destroy itself."


As a Black woman, let me just say, this is spot on, and well done on illustrating the point. Those screen grabs make me recoil and are kind of difficult to look at (the pink lips, the bulging eyes, the skeletal frames). Do I think that the international slave trade needs to be learned about and understood?