
The follow-up comic, After the Fall is good only insofar that it kept the character alive. I really like Angel & Faith so I'm glad they were able to keep the characters going, but After the Fall was pretty weak in comparison to what came before and what came after.

It's both. Color is all based on perception, and much of it comes from the lighting around an objects, as well as other colors nearby. It's simple to take many pieces of paper, all of which look "white" (and are, on their own, the picture of whiteness) and then layer them so that the shades of white appear to be much

Alien, Aliens, Aliest. Simple progression.

To answer the question of from the article: No, CSI does not have the same binge-watching value as other shows, which is really a problem for a lot of formulaic procedurals. CSI, House, Law and Order (UK) — I compulsively buy DVDs and I never managed to get very far into any of these shows just because when you binge

For a Few Shades More

Eh, it wouldn't be DC if they didn't find a way to fuck it all up. I love their characters, but being a DC fan can be very aggravating.

Which is why I pretty much quit reading most DC books after New 52. The books I read now weren't the ones I read before (good bye, GL) like Earth 2, Worlds' Finest, and Wonder Woman.

Eh, the computer needs a few more variations of its text. It gets pretty repetitive just in this article alone. Although, if all you want is to write successful literotica stories, this is already the ay to go — no tweaking necessary.

Bet they're really kicking themselves that they let John Oliver go.

Magic 8-Ball. It's served me well for years.

Presumably, if they do "shrinky" powers, he'd get them somehow on the Flash. The armor on it's own, from all we've heard, is more of a battle exo-skeleton than a proper shrinky suit.

Batman did say it was better if you left the masks on.

It's why I own a sword, so I don't have to worry about anyone wanting to room with me.

As if the one from Almost Live! with the egg and an elevator was good either. Bill Nye is a great entertainer, and he's done a lot to further science in the public eye, but I don't pay attention to the dude for actual SCIENCE.

I don't really think any comment beyond "oh, snap!" is needed.

The fact that there is a spinoff to a failed project just boggles the mind.

Not really. The Supergirl move was positioned as part of the Superman universe. Steel, though, is a separate movie that purposefully tried to hide everything that connected it to Superman lore.

Hey, if you're gonna run the Donner-related series, don't forget about Supergirl, which is so very, very, very bad (and, really, just absolutely bug-nuts crazy), but still a part of the loose canon.

Well, and then even the flashbacks do a good job of showing him finding the reason the make the choice to be a hero. It's like, once he realizes that doing the right thing "for justice and whatever" is what he really needs to do, the producers skip ahead just enough so that we don't have to go through all the many

"Antihero Associates, Who Have a Surprisingly High Survival Rate Despite What Our Old Nickname Suggested"