With all these wonderful suggestions and gripes about lack of functionality, has anyone thought to provide feedback to Valve directly?
With all these wonderful suggestions and gripes about lack of functionality, has anyone thought to provide feedback to Valve directly?
Being a completionst myself I feel bad that I missed a lot of side quests BC I completed the game and DLCs. It says some aren’t accessible after moving on.
I recommend everyone play with a controller/gamepad.
Spoiler alert: for me it was her going off to rule. Kinda sad for Geralt, and her, but she’s off to do good, and she’s safe.
I dunno, I think it lives up to the hype.
Liie the person above said, we all have that backlog, but it’s one of those games that you have to play to get the hype.
Ayone questioning 60+fps for motion sensitive and input sensitive games has never experienced 60+fps. It’s dramatically different and yes MUCH better. This includes moving from a high latency screen be it a TV or monitor with high input lag to a lower latency TV or monitor.
Good for you!
Thank you for putting this together. I don't think I've ever read another article online or in a paper about this very troubling subject.
I think you should leave and explore the main story, but also come back to the hinterlands as often as you can in the early stages. I went back at a higher level and realized I missed so many powerful weapon and armor drops I could've had at the lower character levels.
It shouldn't drop with a DHCP IP address.
670? You mean 660 non-ti. Will work fine. You heard it here first. ;)