
@Darkmatter91: Yes, I have not personally experienced battery life problems and while it can't "read" embedded album art there are work around's but having to boot into ipod OS to use the video function sucks — I u like modding ur ipod use ipodwizard people are doing so crazy stuff with that and it wont crash ur ipod

STOP IT LIFEHACKER. You trick me and I install everything :) I have used RB about 3 diff times and the thing it always comes back to is. 1. I still want to use itunes for simplicity. 2. It CAN'T read embedded album art. 3. Video playback (at least on iPod 5g) is awful

Crossloop is "nice" and this program kinda sticks cause its not cross platform and I use mac + pc so its a no go - It could be helpful to throw on my families comps for easy tech support but right now (for windows) i am using GoToAssist Express Expert and it owns! check it ouw - its in free beta right now but i have

Here is the problem, I used it for facebook to upload a TON of pictures but it would fail on the uploads all the time - its not dependable enough

@ian320: Downloading now and praying. I had that problem with 0.9.2 so crossed fingers!

Wow, I was opening like 20+ tabs from sites then all the sudden I head something over my music playing in the BG and I had to go through like 10 tab b4 I found it was this one - On top of that On MiniTubes main website the video DOES NOT auto start.... Why would LH autostart it?

I have never had major problems with iTunes before 8 and now I have it lock up and freeze often. I am running XP so it should have as many problems (ie. Vista) Also my computer is not "old" by any standards so idk

Yea the site is down - I can't wait to try but I wish there was someway to check if you "own" the account if there is an account registered under your username

I am sooo confused! I have been a longtime fan of LH and now... Well the reply's looks so jumbled my head hurts and what is the point of nesting if there is no UI associated with it?

Everyday I wish apple would release their OS for everyone but that would be completely against there whole business strategy and the reason they so successful alas I will make do with my Macbook and stare evilly at my XP Desktop that I built :(

This is pretty neat - I personally love the greasemonkey script that add the pictures underneath each title on craigslist - It has helped sort out the junk many times

Well with only 3600 songs of music I "could" try and re-tag but I have no want to do that just to get a "little" bit better playlist. Genius is good enough and it does help re-discover music or discover music that I never listened to.

speedtest.net all the way but i like the interface of this website

@brs928: "Even the interface looks like a direct rip-off. " amen to that for a while i thought it was built on-top of twitter

I swear by royal noir

I tried it but i love my 'fox and I use a few extensions that google obviously doesn't have

I wish the one for the xbox looked this pretty