
I ran it and it only picked up like 4 games.... it didnt even grab starcraft which would be nice to grab other ppls starcraft serials — you can never have enough of them :)

I will never click on ads so unless you get paid for me merely loading the ad then it doesn't matter if i block them. One of my favorite ways I have seen a website support itself was VERY cheep (~60 cents a week) membership fees. I would pay around that much to view lifehacker (not that I want to) but b/c of this

I wish people would post computer specs with this ie Ram and CPU speed — All of this looks great but i have dual monitors so i dont see any need for virtual desktops

I would really like to know how helpful these file managers are - I tried on a while back (a long time ago) and didn't find it useful but maybe its time for round 2. From what I've seen they look cluttered with things that I don't need. The 2 explorer replacements I would even try are total commander/Directory Opus


treesize - They have a free version that work very well

im sorry but i can peg these all as linux from a mile away - Linux doesnt support everything i need to do and I am constantly going to the terminal for "sudo apt-get" and that is really annoying - sorry but I dont want to compile my own binaries and no normal user will either. Linux is "cool" but has absolutely no

Maybe for when i program on a mac...

If it did usenet.... maybe I will get this for diggnation/TRS

@Temoto: Sorry "definitely" I can spell :)

Wow it fully indexed really fast and the search was fast and helpful — if it does stay in its memory footprint then I will defiantly be using this

Revo has been good to me and I will never leave it - Unless this uninstaller thingy has a animated monkey that dances around while it is uninstalling (I keep suggesting implanting this into Revo but the design team keeps turning it down - I cant figure out why?)

@gpzbc: There are better programs IMHO to do searching and launcy's MAIN focus is to launch APPs not seach

Does it work with flv?

ugh thank you lifehacker for more stuff to run on my pc :)

I am a recent teracopy convert and I LOVE it - I moved 20g of high def video across my network with NO problems and FAST. Around 12+MB/sec. I want to integrate it into windows but i wish you could choose to use windows copy/paste if the file/folder was less than 100mb

@RoninianHoon: No you will need a mod chip to make it work (xbox-scene.com)

@qbix: Yea I wanted to know about new tech and I think in the last 2 days I have read enough about the iPhone to make me sick - its a cool phone and i like it but still, come on.