
it isn't out yet, fool.

I'm sorry that you think of basic decency for other human beings as "parody". #sad

I'm just saying, maybe you all could stop shoving your heterosexual sex crushes down our throats is all #homolivesmatter

wow, how heteronormative of you

hehehe you said "cocks"

because booty

I love the one where the funny black fella puts on his suspenders and a crazy shirt and acts all funny-like, talking about "massa" and stuff. LOL!

I will miss Briga Heelan's glorious azz, for sure. Where and when will we be able to see it again?


pretty sure it does actually

never herd of 'em, so not very influential


will it also make you want to hear the piano music played faster? And make you express this desire repeatedly?

AWWWWW *cries*

I heard that if you smoke some of this "reefer", you will be suddenly afflicted with a type of "madness" that makes you wanna kill people while laughing. Is this true?

Fair enough.

Musical Youth, fool.

who is Bill Consby

I like the part where Dr. Nick is all incompetent and stuff.

your wife drugged you?