
Declining birth rates are, in fact, a normal response to societies exiting poverty. When you no longer need to have multiple kids because some of them won’t make it to adulthood, when you get access to birth control and education and careers, there’s way less pressure to have kids, and to give more to the fewer kids

It’s not fully sold out yet, and surely some people will back out of their orders (or go to jail for financial crimes before taking delivery, which has happened before)

I like how ethical altruists dont go for the real way to help humanity which is just pay taxes and stop funding scumbags.

I’ve really never understood ANY concern over declining birthrates. Humanity isn’t a company that needs to be more profitable every year to justify its existence. Objectively, what would be a bigger problem is if our population were to outpace the ability of the planet to sustain human life. Which would be the logical

It’s just racism & fake science.

The smartest thing the oil companies ever did was to invent the term “Carbon Footprint” and shift the pollution blame to individuals.

...or not; all 250 are aleady pre-sold.

Absolutely gorgeous cluster...which also appears to be excruciatingly hard to read while actually driving the thing.

Meh, it’s like a 911. They’re all evolutions of the previous ones, not revolutions. It makes them fairly timeless, because in the old ones you see elements of the new one, and vice versa.

But it seems to have to be said over and over because the Tesla stans continue to deny it.

Got to be honest, I don’t think most advertisers care about whether Musk is contrite or a complete jackass. twitter is a shitty platform, and gets shittier every day. It’s filled with crypto scammers, porn bots, and completely unchecked extremism from super far right nutjobs that have verified badges. It’s no longer a

100%.  There was zero back track here.  I am so sick of this moron.

lol what a load of horseshit. Playing the victim. ‘Oh we are just fighting for free speech that’s what I meant. We won’t bow to being censored!’ jesus fuck NO ONE IS CENSORING YOU. People choosing NOT to advertise with your business is not censorship ffs. Can this guy just take his billions and fuck off

I don’t see a walking back or an apology or an admission that he was wrong. I see him obfuscating and trying to pretend he didn’t say the thing everyone saw and heard him say. In addition to telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, repeatedly, he also stated that advertisers NOT advertising on his platform were

Congratulations to Boeing on achieving a truly special level of incompetence to make even SpaceX seem responsible and competent in comparison.

The Ford Flex. They sold 300k of these full-size family haulers; and if you ever had one and used it for it’s intended purpose, you knew how great they were. The problem was actually getting families into them. If you didn’t drive one, you’d never know.

Yes, I agree: the current EVs will go poof! and disappear. Especially the Lucid models:

Well-done EV cars are definitely not boring to drive in twisties imho, but I’d rather EV swap something with a more mundane noise (4-inline) maybe? And with carburettors so that I can escape le bruit et l’odeur? (Oops, sorry for the french private joke)

So, cars have to have manuals to be performance cars, if I’m reading this right?
Because according to you, cars have to have driver engagement to be performance cars, and to have driver engagement they have to have manuals, which is what the aforementioned conversion shop leaves in. Those are the connections you’re