
My sister and I ponied up over $900 for VIP tickets cuz I figured we’d have better chances of getting floor seats than by getting in the general queue.

I haven’t forgotten about the Adequate Man gig (I saw your Ethical Porn piece) but THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY

This is the first in a multi-part series from After Hours

I couldn’t disagree more about Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. The soundtrack was bare-bones, uninspired, and unobtrusive (a good thing) to the point of apathy (a bad thing). The only songs that stuck with me were ones I was already familiar with, like “Hail Britannia.” I miss the more indelible scoring of its

...did I say ANYTHING about removing Mulan?

+1 for being incredibly dark.

Unless their new initiative includes more Kidagakash merchandise then I honestly don’t give a shit.

UUUUUUM “See You Again” does not deserve to be on this list (full disclosure: unabashed F&F fan).

Something to outlive them in the flesh, I guess?

That book never loses its gut punch. What a framing device.

I feel you J.K.

I’m Houstonian. I wanna hate you, but it’s the truth.

I feel the same way about my father. He’s an ass, and a petulant man-child, but he busted his ass to provide for me and my sibs and part of me will always love him for that, even if I can’t stand him 99% of the time.

A Rush of Blood to the Head and Parachutes were the first CDs I ever owned. Coldplay was the first band I ever stanned for and they were one of the first live shows I ever saw. I love what they used to be and will always have a special place in my heart for them so COME AT ME BRO/GURL/PERSON OF UNDETERMINED GENDER!

Pre-Mylo Xyloto Coldplay was fuckin awesome. Current Coldplay is horseshit, sadly.

I was not feelin the Poppy music tbh.

The most hilarious thing I’ve done as KT has to be body-blocking Triple Tap for another member of my team while at questionable health and surviving to escape.

Playing KT against Nova is an exercise in butt-clenching paranoia rarely rewarded with success (and I say this as someone who loves/plays Nova frequently).