
The one thing I've learned from watching this, Pharrell is into loli's, Who knew.

That makes me feel so sad. And I'm not that much older. No really, I feel like super sad after watching this, I don't know even why.

"I have an iPhone case like this!"

Neil Druckmann said she was gay.

I was going to, but I've talked about it so many times that I felt a sentence would be enough here.

I posted this as a reply to someone in the last article, but the comments were a bit better there. I don't want to paste it as a million different replies here, so I'm going to post it once as its own comment (and probably on every pony article until people get the idea). Here is what the creator of the show, Lauren

I don't get the appeal of the show, but the amount of hateful comments here is pretty disheartening. People like different things, it isn't hard to understand.

First, Tony Fleecs' amazing 2013 Botcon exclusive comic book cover, featuring Optimus Prime in Pinkie Pie, signed by the artist himself.

We don't speak of the dark times.

Here's to hoping they push it and show [redacted] killing [redacted]. The winter arc in the game was by far the best; even though the trope they use for that scene is done to death, I thought Winter was particularly weighty given both main characters' circumstances at that point.

I just want to say that the "facts" in this article are misleading.


My brother insists that, for guys at least, "bisexual" means "gay but trying to break it to you gently / still sort of in denial." I've argued with him, but it doesn't do a lick of good, because he's a guy and I'm not and therefore he is the one who understands the way a guy thinks and if he's not disgusted by gay

That's 'a my happy meal!

I have an interest in lolita fashion, you idiot. We in the subculture detest ANY insinuations that we endorse pedophilia and prefer to have our frilly dresses and bows to be how we express ourselves. You sir need to keep your opinions to yourself. :(

Maybe it has vegans in it.