Metta Whirled Peas

I'm laughing so hard, my side burns. Big, ridiculous, side burns.

I'm also Jewish, and I lived in the south for nine years (four in NC, five in GA) and never encountered anything close to that.

Nobody has ever patted your head, looking for horns.

But is there really a "big problem with depression in cricket?"

"for what it's worth, I'm starting law school in September and I couldn't be more pleased about it."

<i>"The other guitar players in my band are much, much better guitars than I am. To put the best sound out there, they play the solos."</i>

Like all scientific papers, this one was subjected to rigorous peer-review, which means that many people who didn't see a penny from the nut lobbyists were willing to put their names and reputations behind the legitimacy of the study.

You may remember that Andre Agassi's career had a similar arc. Early success, mid-career swoon, late career revival.

I hope his November reign continues.

I agree with Barkley that it's up to black people to determine who can and can't use the n-word, or its derivatives.

When it comes to dribbling balls, the only sleeves I want are my collection of fleshlights.

Richie, incognito?

What?!? Working more hours while salary remains constant = fewer dollars-per-hour?

Now playing

I like this Scorsese perfume commercial much more.

" . . . and this door leads down to a small, dark, wine cellar, which is also where MJ would occasionally lock Kwame Brown."

When it comes to Adjusted Touches of the "Frontcourt," this guy is from another planet.

What a deutsch.

The only thing you'll catch here these days is a groan-inducing case of appundicitis.

It did. But "ended the game" is not the same thing as "cost his team the game."

According to the Win Probability Calculator (cool tool!) at hardball times.com, when Beltran stepped to the plate, win probability was between 3% and 6%, depending on the run environment.