The dead daughter in Gravity didn't seem written to engender sympathy for Dr. Ryan Stone or to up the drama, as you're suggesting, Will.
The dead daughter in Gravity didn't seem written to engender sympathy for Dr. Ryan Stone or to up the drama, as you're suggesting, Will.
We have to stop slut-shaming women. Swallowing is not a crime.
He'll also be auctioning his collection of self-aggrandizing stories.
So unexpected, especially since most Latin American countries are too warm for ski poles.
"HS Punt Returner Breaks So Freaking Many Tackles"
No amount of anger for Dolan can be considered irrational
I suppose it's possible, but you know Jay-Z is just Howard's nickname for his dentist, Jacob Zuckerman, right?
While I'd agree that selfish people are often drawn to business, I don't believe that most people in business are selfish.
When a reporter followed up on that dickish column, Jackson still only had this to say about punters:
Tough to get too worked up. It's exactly the kind of joke that would show up in the Deadspin comment section.
"You make one little plant legal in a state and everyone goes off the rails."
The League of Extraordinary(ly Lonely) Gentlemen
Scores like Messi. Enjoys the taste of his own balls; like Ronaldo.
"Mutt chomps on pom pom" is an anagram of "Pom pom mutton chops."
Yawke(t)y Sawx?
Given the media's lazy habit of affixing "gate" to any scandal, I guess this video is documentation of Watergategate.
"I love you, too, Nikkolai. Thank you for giving me my space. I'll return to you right after the baseball game."
"And just beyond the primary video wall is the 40,000 cubic foot fridge we'll use to house Chris Berman's snacks and ego."
Complete games are much rarer than 2.6%. 2,430 games are played each season, which means 4,860 pitching starts. 36/4,860 = 0.7%.