It's a only a terrible analogy if you believe that consuming sugar hurts only the individual. But, look downstream a little further.
It's a only a terrible analogy if you believe that consuming sugar hurts only the individual. But, look downstream a little further.
For the same reason adults aren't allowed to drive 100mph on the freeway and children are required to get vaccinations before starting school; when you live in a society, you agree to sacrifice some personal liberties for the greater good of that society.
You'd expect a Hooters waitress to be an expert in questionable fowls.
Kindly, I beg to differ. One particular make out session left a younger me in so much pain I had to crawl to the bathroom before clearing the pipe.
"I was NOT trying to make this a race argument."
In 2007, I was in Cabo San Lucas for a long weekend and Ray Lewis was staying at the same resort (I won the trip. I don't usually roll like an NFLer).
It's obvious what you want isn't a conversation about McCarthy's comment, but to be the center of attention for a few minutes, and the chance to marvel at your own intellect, which you regard more highly than it deserves.
I agree we should think about what we eat and how it's treated, but this story is upsetting to many people because the death of the dogs served no purpose, it was perpetrated with no intent other than cruelty, and of all the animals you listed, only dogs have been bred to be our companions and look to us for…
Of course a pit bull has the potential to do more damage than a smaller breed, but pit bulls are no more dangerous than other breeds of similar size.
You guys saw this essay was written for the website, right?
Most doctors say the best purchase for a perpetually irritated asshole is Preparation H.
Breaking shit is one of the few, easy ways that teenagers can exercise a sense of control.
But this play wasn't a tackle, so what does that portion of the rules have to do with it?
Jim Valvano Gave His Moving Speech 20 Years Ago Today
"You know that Bristol isn't exactly in the middle of nowhere."
There is so much to love about this video it's impossible to pick a favorite part. But, "Reggae Breakdown Whilst Kicking it in a Puddle" has to be in the conversation, right?
I got sympathy pains just reading your first paragraph. I remember the hours wasted in meetings talking about whether our website overhaul should include four categories on the left hand rail, or five. Minutiae like that becomes the most important thing in the world, even though it makes no difference to the success…