Metta Whirled Peas

I spent seven years in sales and marketing and I became so depressed I sought counseling. I knew that I was literally wasting my life doing what I did.

Of course it's wrong, in real life. But, tone matters, and the tone of this ad casts the guys as clueless and oblivious to social cues. Most importantly, the tone clearly suggests they're completely harmless, which is why I can't get worked up about the ad.

I don't know about this site, specifically, but Cameron took so much shit for his acceptance speech.

In what way?

To be fair, there was actually a pretty large contingent of commenters who thought that video was benign and humorous.

Last summer, I met a 70 year old couple while we were all cliff jumping in Hawaii. My almost-90 year old Grandfather still takes college classes because he likes to learn.

Jim Abbott

If I give you $12, does that mean you'll use both hands?

Why did AJ part ways with Gawker, and how much is he charging for handies at the Port Authority?

Seriously. If I won the lottery, I'd drink your piss for that opportunity, and I'm not even into that shit!

And many io9 commenters say it's quite feasible.


Oak was my favorite, too.

"It's the greatest stage to the greatest players" *


I'd love to see the TSA agents when he donned his keffiyeh and started bellowing, "Iran #1! USA, achhh phoooey!"

Wrong kind of Scott, man?

Creed. That Stapp guy is a genius!


I'd love to hear 'em. Seriously.