Riley the Dog

All fair points, and I hope you're right about the show's future.

This show blows.

Pamela IS confident and assertive, but those aren't her only traits. I dislike her because she's cruel and relentless.

Your analysis is contradicted by just about everything the show has told us about Claire.

As a Netflix watcher I'm late to the party, but I found Julianne's crying in the apartment to be believable.

So much potential, but I'm starting to get a "Lost" vibe from TMITHC, in that it has no idea where it's going.

For me, it's not that the character is meant to be annoying, it's that she's played in a way that is unrealistic caricature.

Maybe you're thinking of the Rebecca DeMornay from Seinfeld?

The hair is so distracting; not just because it's bad, because it raises questions that affect how I consider the character.

As this post points out, Simpson quickly complies when Trish tells him to be quiet. I've actually notice a few occasions where she gives an instruction and he quickly gets in line.

Thanks for mentioning the sound.

I liked this episode. More tension. Better pacing. But, something really bothered me and I'm hoping I just missed something . . .