
This writer did not use proof of how and examples of where this is considered a stereotype. Surely if this is a Stereotype and not a homage to Mr.T then you would have included OTHER characters that act and talk like Mr.T outside of Barret. I am very curious, where and what films, or tv do any other PoC sound like

what kind of delusional world do you live in lol? Rotten Tomatoes gave this show a 94% (Paid critics) and a 40% that is now at 27% (Audience) rating.

NO ONE that matters actually liked this series. It was trash because they fired the Sci-Fi writers and hired Female Drama writers and Political Stage Writers All of

Everything you just said is Racist

Not racist. Please name one urban community that is not rampant with Crime and bigoted Blacks? Why would anyone want to live in a community where you are libel to be shot just sitting outside?

from a Native american, we would like you (white and Blacks) to kill each other and save us others from seeing your constant


What kinda crack is this author smoking. Please name one urban community where Crime isn’t rampant and education sucks? White people just prefer not to send their kids to schools where they get bullied and assaulted. White people prefer to live in a neighborhood where they aren’t having people out in the middle of

Couldn’t disagree more. These Spider monsters were the best villains so far. First episode we had tooth fairy Alien vs Predator
Second episode we had the Amazing Race vs the Haunted Banages
Third episode we had a Racist Greaser from the Future (Oh so scary)
Fourth episode we had an actual monster which feeds on so many

Loved Mr.Big. He was the best character so far. Minus the fact that Trump is not actually a Crazy gun totter himself, as his fan base are. I do believe that he was the only one that was willing to do what it took to clean house. Sorry big spiders have no place in this world hahahaha. But yeah he came out like a boss

What a crock of shit. You can’t see the similarities between these groups? How about ALL of the groups mentions (From both sides) are violent groups that get innocent people injured or beat to death. I watched some of those videos, Antifa were fighting protesters, then some mother and her son were just walking passed,

They are and they did. There were groups of immigrants that were caught trying to vote illegally. there were also 10 dead people who voted. All of these votes took place during early voting. But nooo not the Democrats. they wouldn’t do that. smh. If you honestly think your vote counts still. please by all means