
Shut the fuck up Libtard and get used to it for the next 4 years.

I used to work for Software Ect *before Gamestop merge* waaay back in the glorious late 90's. I had the best boss still I ever had. The company wasn’t pushy about making sales, it really only wanted to make people get the savings card and get magazine subscriptions and wanted reservations when possible.

FYI: If you have already linked your Nintendo account to game, the “reset roll “ DOES NOT work

And I got the vain Virius on my first game start. Deleting and redoing now....

Haven’t played Fates yet, what is the big deal with this whore?

I tried the demo being a new 3DS owner in Nov but I was spoiled by playing Awakening and I guess i’m just burnt out of FF style gamplay, as 1 and 2 demo just ddidn’t click with me. Pretty in 3D mode though

Thats why I played Awakening on casual as a new FE person, I knew the permadeath would result in me throwing the game out of my apt window

That last boss was such utter bullshit and fuck me, that was one of the weirdest plots i’ve ever seen in a game

That night........ what happened that night again?

Back in Playstation 1's heyday, I was power playing Sled Storm and I was on the last race with REALLY fucking bullshit cheating AI racers that kept bumping me to me and ANY slowdown whatsoever on the final expert level race would be an instant loss, no way to make up for lost time. I had been spending probably close

Back in Playstation 1's heyday, I was power playing Sled Storm and I was on the last race with REALLY fucking bullshit cheating AI racers that kept bumping me to me and ANY slowdown whatsoever on the final expert level race would be an instant loss, no way to make up for lost time. I had been spending probably close

Are you even a fucking gamer?

Nintendo has never liked the CD/DVD media since day one, they were simply forced to as technology costs/simply didn’t allow for large games on cartridges vs disc media.

I’m old school gamer since 80's I want something PHYSICAL that I actually OWN that no company can take away vs digital unless stuff is real shit cheap aka Steam wise. But if I save no money from digital vs physical, I will take physical every time. And when I die, yeah Im gonna have a shit ton to add to the landfill,

Found the libtard

Cry more tree hugger.

Piss off cardboard emo bitch boy

Piss off cardboard emo bitch boy

That will never happen. Now go away Xbox tard

That will never happen. Now go away Xbox tard

It totally fucking blows you have to pay for fucking Poke Bank. Thats a nope, forget it then in my book.

I’ve always hated Peanuts period.