
Hell, i’d pay that

Thats ENOUGH of that fucking talking sense!

Calm the fuck down moist girl down under...

Not sure if its worth reinstalling for this...

Are you even female?

Holy fuck people, you will BITCH about ANYTHING won’t you? I fucking hate my hobby at times...

Therapy since 1993

I’m getting my balls snipped later this year. NEVER gonna breed.

Both are dead actually

Blah blah, bitch bitch, complain, complain. Do you liberals fucking do anything else?

Uh... original Tom was voiced by the awesome and legendary Steven Blum

Welcome to Nintendo. Because believing its still 1991 is the best.

I LOLed so hard at work at all the “Nothing to announce at this times” my boss came to ask if I was actually working or screwing around, cause spreadsheets arn’t supposed to be funny.

I just want my fucking Blastoise back in Pokemon Sun Nintendo, give us the Pokebank already!!!

Fucking..... gag..... me

Better yet, buy a used N64 and have access to dozens of awesome games 4EVER!

Uh, more like still recovering from Pokemon/holiday craziness. Order online, forget about retail

Uh... Awakening and Fates had options for no permadeath

As a new 3DS owner and Fire Emblem owner as of November after getting burnt out of PC gaming lately, DO IT! Pick up awakening and be prepared to be completely immersed.