You are absolutely not the only one.
You are absolutely not the only one.
You can line me up a mile of limousines,
For me it don't add up to a hill o' beans,
I got no hankerin' for grabbin' your brass ring,
It's crystal clear, I'll stay right here and keep the simple things!
If you can't use one or the other, why even bother?
That was the original plan but the name BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH doesn't actually fit on the screen.
Emile Hirsch is definitely playing Mario
I don't think there could have been a more perfect email address that captures both Nick's brilliance and utter eccentricity.
I've never really understood this sentiment. I mean Coach was pretty good in the pilot, but that's literally the only episode of this show he was ever in. I've seen so many fans of this show clamoring for Coach's return; why? Is it just a universal love for Damon Wayans Jr. (which, hey, I totally get)?
I don't necessarily agree with you, but I like that you have this opinion.
Alright, I will grant that there were some good parts of Season 4. Big fan of Wesley and Lyla and all of what happened with them, and I'm an unabashed Faith Lehane fanboy, so I liked that she was in it too, but all the weird love triangle crap between Angel, Connor, and Cordelia was incredibly squicky and I was bored…
You're joking, right? The entirety of Season 4 of Angel is painful to watch.
Uh, yes? He wrote an incredible amount of amazing classic Disney songs. Of course it's a positive.
I was rolling my eyes up until I saw the name Alan Menken. Now I'm incredibly excited. :D
I love your comment and all the replies about Ted and Lily. It really is my favorite relationship in the show. The season one episode "Milk" has one of those great Ted and Lily scenes where Lily confides her fears about marrying Marshall to Ted. It's such a heartfelt scene.
That's one of my favorite episodes. Also notable for being the episode in which Robin said "I Love You" to Ted for the first time.
Agreed. As fun as Sherlock is, I've never really bought completely into the idea of Sherlock Holmes being an insufferable dick. I'm no Holmes scholar but from the few Sherlock Holmes stories I've read, I never got the impression of him being so narcissistic (and downright mean). I love the approach in Elementary where…
Well, if this is it, please let me know.
You're right on. He's the unsung hero of this show.
"Cooper has no balls?"