"Ida was a hellcat?!"
"Ida was a hellcat?!"
Let me tell you, as an Indian guy: white girls wearing saris is the best thing in the world.
I love how UPSET he is about Winston not knowing it's a Japanese Garden. The way he says it makes it seem almost like it's NOT his frustrations about his love life coming through.
Will the TV Reviews section still be rolled into the TV Club's RSS feed, or is there a separate feed I'll have to subscribe to keep up with the articles?
Maybe a total, modern day subversion of the classic Norman Lear sitcom, Facts of Life?
They should just explain it away by saying that Andy's just stopped eating at Paunch Burger, and that his body has just reverted to its natural state.
With Emmy Rossum!
They only did that for the first season.
The Client is amazing. I remember being completely blown away by the twist that Michael was actually very, *very* good at his job as a salesman. It comes out of nowhere and yet it makes complete sense once he closes the deal. Right up until that point there's a real sense of "this man is a total idiot," but Michael…
It's time like this where I wish there was a cut of Mad Men with a laugh track.
"Ida was a hellcat? Cooper has no balls? ROGER'S WRITING A BOOK?!"
I'd like to see a video of someone watching GRRM watching the reactions of people watching Game of Thrones.
Shouldn't "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" have been called "I Know What You Did Two Summers Ago?"
Holy shit. I'm fucking done.
I don't know. I was pretty unsatisfied with it the entire way through when I was watching it and looking back at it it really was terrible.
Season 2 has my favorite episodes but Season 1 overall is probably the best, most cohesive season of the show, IMO.