dark days

She couldn’t take a punch either but that didn’t seem to matter.

Ever notice it’s the losing team always bitching about “unwritten rules”?

Because they have seen this movie before

Who cares what Kerr thinks. What does Mark Jackson think?

When you say child are you talking about the liberal arts studying, mid-twenties “children” that are still living at home and insured by their parents?

Women are awesome till they have different beliefs than you libs. She’s not fake and she doesn’t pander. The fact that you don’t appreciate her religious beliefs speaks more of you than her.....Enjoy living with your hate of 1/2 of America.

What would Jesus say about all those late term abortions you liberals support that generally have nothing to do with the mother’s health?

So a reporter from a liberal newspaper says “it looked like” he didn’t stand. So did he stand or not? Could she see well or not?......I’m almost positive her voter affiliation has something to do with what she hopes she saw.

Libs preach to let people be and cannot do it themselves. So people aren’t supposed to have issues with homosexuals/transgenders (for example). Everybody is supposed to be able to accept them and have no issues.........Here’s Foles, a man who has dedicated himself to a higher belief. Let him be. You can think he’s

Liberal has to play the race car immediately......Trying to make the criminals the victims doesn’t work in the real word.

You could write hundreds of articles about horrific crimes by illegals to upstanding citizens but you chose to write this. Good job

The politicians screwed the city......not the ex. owner. Libs always deflect the blame no matter what the subject.

Gotta love Nick’s journalistic style. Dude goes to Duke and spends his time writing shitty articles bashing schools like App and NC State.

As the director of player recruitment, he would probably know the type of player to have bad attitudes and cause trouble. Just because you can’t say this anymore doesn’t mean in might not be true.

Chris Paul hit a guy in the nuts in college and was suspended one game. He’s a POS too. Fits in perfectly with the Rockets.

Steve Kerr is a big enough liberal that Deadspin will support his comments. Nevermind that Rick Carlise essentually said the same thing and was bashed. Typical........and predictable

John McCain for one........Nice quote and links to liberal propaganda. Have any original thoughts? Enjoy your life of blaming others for all that is wrong around you.

Totally disagree. I think most conservatives would say there’s no such thing as a moderate Democrat anymore......It’s crazy that people can’t agree on anything anymore.

Another NC resident here.......It’s equally depressing that both are true.

Welcome to the new America where public opinion does not matter.