
"crapple phone"? My you apple whiners get sensitive when your fantasy world gets disrupted.

FULL OPERATING SYSTEM with all of the full operating system drawbacks - need for updates multiple times a month, likely need for anti-malware software, and 4 hour battery life. Battery life is part of the reason for using a tablet - it's not a "blah blah blah" issue by any means. Yes it means you can run poorly run

"Just look at Nexus 4... All Apple does is catch up with Android's features." - considering the Nexus 4 features all of the enclosure features that were "so bad" about the iPhone 4 (glass back, no sd card slot, and no removable battery), and has an SoC you have to use in a freezer to even approach the iPhone 5 in

Watch the whiny whiners whine no matter what follows :)

"But the thing is, they never release something until it's finished. " haha. Windows Phone 7 was widely seen as feature complete when it was released, right? :) Talk about angry whining over false premises.

Did you read the same article I did? They mention disadvantages of all three platforms in every category. I just looked at it again. I honestly have no idea how you could've come to the conclusion that they ONLY pointed out disadvantages of Android and Windows Phone.

Yes, if you buy a "special adapter", but it's more versatile I would imagine, unless the Surface supports analog in that HDMI port. (you still need an adapter on either surface to connect most video, maybe it's just not a "special" one :) And you don't need a jailbroken iPad, any iPad can use a second screen if the

You can do it with an iPad, which is kinda "most tablets" these days...

There's an on screen keyboard. It's going to leave even less usable vertical area for "screen" though since they went with a 16:9 design. (If the keys are standard sized)

Tomtom "powering it" but do you think the code running the navigation portion is right from Tomtom?

But how? The popup menu only says Video or Picture... Unless you're invoking this feature some other way.

Android has these new emoji animals built in?

On the iPad, zoom all the way out in Maps in satellite mode... You get a rotating globe a la Google Earth. (doesn't seem to be on the iPhone, at least not the 4).

Attach a file, or just a photo or video? Not that there are any other "system wide" files anyway, though the file manager apps can attach their files to email.

Will iTunes not sync the podcasts over Wifi?

It's equally amusing how many Android developers don't update their apps for tablets, apparently trusting the "relative" layouts to be good enough. It's pretty clear that they aren't for large swaths of apps.

Some people read a considerable amount on their iPad and consider their eyes alone to be worth the $175 upgrade for a year. *shrug*

"100 apps designed for it?" THere are probably 100s of apps *per day* that are being updated with graphics to take advantage of the new display.

You realize it was left out intentionally right? You're acting like it's a feature they just haven't gotten around to implementing, like no side-loading of apps. The way files are handled could use some improvements, but I think Apple is making it a point not to bring all of the complexities of desktop operating

Yeah. I can't be really impressed with Google's search engine because really... They've been working on it for around 15 years and that's all they could come up with?