
Maybe she didn’t vomit, piss, and shit. I didn’t. Everyone’s birthing story is different. When I was checking out of the hospital I saw women I’d seen the day before, when we were all still pregnant, some looked like they had been through hell and back while others looked like they picked flowers. Two women came up to

I feel somewhat similar to how I feel about nutria; cats are definitely actively damaging local species and are an invasive species.

OK, I get it. You think cats are cute. But do you know what else is cute? These guys. And there aren’t 600 million of them in the world.

If people could be trusted to leave their cats indoors this wouldn’t be a problem. But they see nothing wrong with introducing an invasive species into a new environment (new in ecological terms.) And everyone else is a jerk for wanting to keep other species alive and thriving.

This is a sweet article. But COME ON with the typos. I mean, I’ll give you a pass on the wrong kind of pesos. But FEET!!?? And sargeant isn’t even a word. Just look for the little red underliney thing. Spell check shouldn’t be that hard.

My understanding is that it may be traced to a few things—

Exactly. Fertility Awareness Method =/= rhythm method. I suppose the RM would fall under the branch of FAM, but a thorough FAM routine is a lot more involved than just following the calendar.

How is this not a fancy (and expensive) rhythm method?

The problem with unintended pregnancies using this method is that you’re going to do one of two things wrong:

Have sex on a non fertile day that was really fertile (app gets it wrong)
Whatever you use for protection while you are fertile fails

The first, you can blame on trusting the app. The second, you have to blame

I use it. Would never use it if I was single or in a relationship where a kid would be unwanted or a problem. But for women like myself, who are not looking to get pregnant anytime soon but would be fine either way, the app gives me an acceptable amount of protection. I agree that they shouldn’t market this as ‘just

...she may grow up believing that only an object can tolerate her truth.

Vasectomies may be possible to reverse, but it isn’t 100% successful. It’d be lovely if there was a truly reversible permanent birth control for men.

This is a heartbreaking scenario. And, bear with me... as with, it seems, many infant deaths- the blame is hard to ascribe. It’s something that’s been on my mind lately- that the spectrum of how society reacts to infant deaths is so very ... subjective- murder, criminally negligent accidental death, or an excusable acc

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

Nah, you do what you have to do. I think people love to latch onto the most dramatic examples and label that “helicopter parent”.

Exactly. There are geographic regions and cultures where this would be more feasible than others. In the end it’s all about how much you care about your children & your ability to judge the situation.

Yeah, I kind of want to answer all of their assertions of independence with “and kids died from it.” No seatbelts? Kids died. Four year olds wandering around unsupervised? Died. We changed the things we do because kids were dying, not because we are a bunch of neurotics. I read an article the other day extolling the


Don’t most addicts relapse? It seems to be part of the process. Seems like it does more harm than good to define relapses as failures. I don't think guilt and shame are very constructive feeling