
I don’t see anything mixed about this metaphor. PETA’s argument is that making a mother whale live in a tank is like making a pregnant woman live in a bathtub. If they made it look like she were actually living in it, then we’d be saying it was gratuitous and graphic.

Got back together with him.

This is sort of an urban myth. PETA runs euthanasia facilities that take transfers from poorer shelters that still use gas chambers and take animal surrenders specifically for euthanasia. They do not really run any extended care facilities, so they definitely have a quick turnaround on animals who they rescue and

I’m saying these things are complicated and that we brush them under the rug in part because we think elderly people having and enjoying sex is icky. For example, should that person never go on walks again? That would be absurd, because we know that they have enjoyed and continue to enjoy and seek out walks. We know

I was just talking to someone the other day about the state of mind people with dementia seem to be in! it’s really interesting. Sometimes I think family caregivers read into things differently because they’re actively seeking the most whole person they can find, while professional caregivers sort of take whatever

I’m getting so frustrated with people’s perspectives on this because it really lacks an understanding of dementia and what it would mean to be in mental decline and not be allowed physical intimacy. Someone with alcohol can be prevented from having sex because we know they’ll be sober tomorrow. However, it’s a lot

You’re missing the very real complications of a progressive degenerative illness. Someone who is temporarily incapacitated can’t consent. Someone who is gradually losing their faculties retains the right to do basically everything, including have sex and decline medical care. This is a real dilemma with dementia

As someone who’s worked as a full-time caregiver specifically with dementia patients, I think it is more complicated than people are giving it credit for being. People with dementia are not just suddenly children, and elderly people are very much sexual beings. Patients with dementia retain the right to do things like

Consent for Alzheimer’s patients is really complicated, and I find is weird that a facility would document that a person is unable to consent to activity when we were strictly told as CNAs that patients engaging is mutually consenting sexual activity was their human right. Sexual assault or abuse is one thing, sexual

According to her letter “not one of the men used a condom”.

I think the problem isn’t with the woman’s choice but with the situation that puts women in the position of scheduling a birth around their work at possible cost to their health and their child’s health.

My impression wasn’t that he couldn’t pass but rather that he was opposed to the way that boards were currently being administered—that is, with what frequency and who was being required to take them. That’s a subject of considerable angst among medical professionals regardless of whether they have shitty

I bought a bunch from Soma that turned out to be just heavenly.

From the same people that like to dictate that physicians share inaccurate information about abortion? They love this shit.

When I asked for nuvaring as a teenager my provider was shocked and said teenage girls were never willing to use it because they were afraid of touching themselves. I'm hoping that that's a fucked up cultural issue that's gradually going away. Like, to be okay with being touched by other people and not yourself? Wtf?

It depends on the hospital. If they do, it certainly isn't advertised and is often done off-site. Many hospitals in the US are religious and will have nothing to do with it.

I know there are good people who spend a lot on their weddings, but... There's definitely a trend I've noticed among friends of people (either member of the couple) spending a lot on the wedding in part because they've been dreaming about the event and haven't been thinking long term about the relationship. Their

I was thinking so because the article specifically mentions the priapism being caused by misshapen blood cells obstructing normal blood flow.

You can't leave out the fact that it was like this as a result of priapism (prolonged erections that result from the blood getting trapped in the penis) and was now impeding his ability to get an erection at all or walk around like a normal person.

The incredible obvious idiocy of carrying around a loaded weapon like that...