
The major limitation on this is how far we've had to move for our careees. The days of buying a house down the road from mom are long over... We went away to college and then we went wherever the jobs were from there. I'm scared my kids and their kids will never have any kind of relationship with their grandparents

Vegan mayo is freaking delicious. Also indistinguishable from real mayonnaise. I can attest to this because sometimes I spread it on a piece of bread and just eat it. My roommate loves it, too. I assume people saying that mayo MUST contain eggs have just never had vegan mayonnaise. It's like the people at the cafe

How would they only run it in the morning?!

I have a special dislike for people who eat meat but refuse to see what it takes to make meat. You shouldn't eat things if seeing where it comes from makes you cry. You shouldn't feed things to your children if you think seeing it made would be traumatic.

Okay, that makes sense. I understand your tone—I was a bit taken aback, but I get how my question might have been read. I can understand it as a primer, but I feel like reading it I'm going to run into more arguments that go something like "Baartman was basically a 19th century Beyonce" or something. I don't think

Well, mostly we learned about her in Africana studies courses, and both the documentaries and articles asserted she was taken by force from her own wedding, for example. So not incomplete or unjust but completely different narrative entirely. Whitewashed to me implies softening the details, and the accounts of her

I think the nature of gender segregation in the Greek system has some very disturbing effects, at least at my alma mater. The guys at fraternities guarded each other above all else, even when it came to a brother who was doing things like trying to keep a passed out girl with him when he friends wanted to take her

This is a VERY different version of her biography than I had always been given for classes from documentaries and journal articles. Why is that?

Oh, I'm aware of the competitiveness. I was kind of joking. I about choked when I saw the Step scores and research expectations. I actually have a bit of a sore spot about dermatologists because I've seen a number of low-income patients whose PCPs were trying to refer desperstely to a dermatologist, and in a high

I also feel that targeting small scale farms is sort of pointless for the cause of animal rights, and people willing to watch their food die earn the least of my ire... but there are plenty of environmental and ethical reasons why a person might believe that consuming animal products is wrong, and a lot of vegans

If I became a dermatologist, would I get to drain things like that all the time? I know that that's like the most evil thing a socially conscious young medical student could want to be... Just asking for a friend...

I'm confused why people are so upset at this woman for wanting to throw chicks in the garbage. Standard egg industry practice is literally to run male chicks through a souped up garbage disposal... and while it's frowned upon, it's not unusual to literally dump them into garbage bags and from there to the dumpster out

How does this shit even happen?

I'm really confused about how people wipe when sitting. Like, I can't get my head around how that works wiping front to back.

Yes! I've had a lot of people asking me how this happened. People have no sense of what personal protective equipment looks like or how it's put on and removed. They just imagine it's like a force shield that appears around you and the only way someone could get infected is if the disease somehow magically got through

I continue to find her explanations for things that happen on this show incredibly disappointing. I just had to stop watching.

More than even cravings, pregnant women seem get a LOT of pressure to gain weight and eat more. I've watched so much food just SHOVED at unwilling pregnant women like not eating it is a) somehow bad for their fetus and b) a huge affront to other women because it implies something about their own eating habits...


I don't get the hatred for vegetarians and vegans. I just don't. I say this as a quasi-vegan vegetarian who eats whatever the hell is served to me in other people's homes out of respect, of course. Killing things isn't my problem with meat or animal products. Waste is my issue.

My dad traumatized me by shaving his mustache off once when I was about 3! It was horrible. This random guy came upstairs when I was napping, and I was so scared that I had a whole conversation with him before understanding that it was my dad. It was so scary that I remember it to this day.