Also, let me guess....
Also, let me guess....
I seriously most earnestly hope this throws everything from here on out. Pence knew. McConnell knew. Ryan knew that this was a flaming corporate cess fire that was heading straight for our actual lives.
Is it bad that this doesn’t even seem that bad? I mean, in any other Administration this would be a huge scandal that would unfold over the course of months. Today, it seems kind of blurry next to the Comey memos and the Russian leaks.
The question now is did Pence know? Or was he willfully ignorant? I’m leaning towards the former. Either should have serious repercussions I’d hope.
This just proves that is the worst possible response.
I’m kind of sick of the “dealing with criminals,” justifies police brutality line of defense. You’re the police. It’s your job to deal with criminals. Ideally, in a perfect world, you’d be dealing with nothing but criminals because innocent people would never be suspected of anything ever.
Fire up the smelter. Daddy needs a new door knob.
The city of New Orleans has removed three of its four monuments to the Confederacy, much to the consternation of racists and sore losers across the United States.
Not in a warehouse?!? How are those statues going to survive outdoors?
A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.
Ahhhh! Had to share with you again. THIS NEEDS ALL THE LOVE.
“He’s been handled 37 times through Dallas County—37 offenses,”
After his proposed budget that would’ve cut $1.3 billion-with-a-b from the Coast Guard’s operations, I’m sure they are thrilled to see him.
This is a fair point.
Yup, I was just listening, He delivered the most generic accolades to the work of the Coast Guard and then swiftly pivoted into a “woe is me” speech. And it went on and on. It was pretty fucking disgusting. He made their graduation about himself and his self-induced problems.
I mean, we are talking about a guy whose command of English basically only includes his own surname and the phrase “You’re fired,” here.
Right now he is giving an embarrassing commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy graduation. About 30% of it is about how great he thinks he is and all of his tremendous accomplishments and how he is the most persecuted president in American history. Completely tone deaf.
I read this in Politico “This isn’t the first time a D.C. visit by Erdogan sparked violence. In March 2016, Erdogan’s security guards reportedly attacked demonstrators and journalists outside the Brookings Institution in Washington.”