+1 and that nonsense with taking a kid’s lunch if they can’t pay.
God forbid a Black teenager girl exercise some autonomy over how she looks, and who the hell bans nail polish???
Being the spin doctor for a pathological liar can’t be an easy gig.
Another interesting tweet.
I really like DNCE, so “Kissing Strangers” is a yes for me. Also, god, Nicki Minaj is just fucking flawless.
Oh my God, Factorio looks like the micromanagement game that I have always wanted but feared because I know I’ll waste so much time on it. But it looks so pretty and I’m always a sucker for these types of top-down/isometric art styles and look at that train and those animals and the sprite animation, oh my! Looks like…
I see Betsy DeVos curriculum is making the rounds.
If there was a God up in Heaven, this would tie to Trump somehow. I keep saying it feels like the only thing that will take Trump down is a dead woman or a live child found in his bed.
This is the case with me and LoL. Haven’t played in years, still keep up with development and competitive ends.
It’s so fucking hard not to actually hate all the libertarian bros and broettes who said Trump wouldn’t give a shit about marijuana and the war on drugs.
As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....
Threatening Comey while also hinting he may just cancel press briefings in their entirety today. Jesus titty fucking Christ.
Anyone who has been paying attention should know what “All Lives Matter” implies. It was only ever said as a response to “Black Lives Matter”, it didn’t exist before BLM got started.
Sounds like the kind of man that might actually drain a swamp.
He can have my vote. Frankly I’m tired of rank and file, super-wealthy Democrats like Phil Murphy.
I wish he was in Missouri.
I have two questions: