Well, considering I could basically sleepwalk through every area and boss up to diablo himself, I think I did fairly well for myself.
Well, considering I could basically sleepwalk through every area and boss up to diablo himself, I think I did fairly well for myself.
Act III always felt like the difficulty skipped an Act, but I was pleasantly surprised by how handily skelly hordes mowed through them. Honestly, diablo wouldn't have been as impossible for that build if his AOE didn't one-shot the skellies and/or if there was a source of infinite mooks to scrounge corpses off of.
Yeah, I've read that Golems is the way to go, but I have trouble scrounging enough freebie increases to them from items to be able to make it. However, I'll try the Iron Maiden/Blood Golem trick here when I dust off my copy and see if I can get that to work. besides Diablo, it was ridiculous fun, and I managed to…
I used to think Act III was the worst, but managed to slog through it. However, for me playing as a skeleton-horde Necromancer, the worst was easily Diablo himself.
So do you pay taxes and insurance as well? Because both of those likely fund shit you hate just as much as shit in your best interest. It's inane for someone to rant about how much they hate the idea of socialized medicine while driving on public roads to drop their kid off at a public school.
That lady represents feminists just as much as the Westboro Baptist represents all Christians. A handful of outspoken and offputting crazies do not represent an entire group, despite however much you might like them to.
Hey, at least we have nothing to hide in theory, so we have no reason to be worried that we're being watched, right?
I would if I could find a better gif-making website. The ones I've found either don't work, or restrict you to stupid-tiny gif lengths
I'm now very tempted to kitbash one of these and some 40K bitz so I can try Grimdark Racing.
Firstly, apologies for the impolite delay. I'm glad they finally restored the comments to the article, so I can reply to your statements in full.
Oh yes look a bunch of politicians who are male. And?
Yeah, no. You can find exactly the opposite depiction as well with two seconds of Googling:
Nice little nugget of sexism on the end of that there, and no, I have actually never heard that statement or idea before. I've met an equal number of airheaded and intellectual men and women, and neither trait has been restricted to one gender or another.
No, you're not seeing the lightning; That would be saying "Patricia is getting mad at this guy!" Instead, you're saying "Patricia is getting mad at this guy BECAUSE FEMINISM/MISANDRY/[Insert MRA talking point here]!1!" That is why I am calling you out on the carpet, and that's where you cease observing and start…
Wow, you are incredibly dense.