
That’s not how you spell “The world’s greatest hero.”

Zero sympathy from me.

Where is the inevitable Chernobog vs Train video.

That first picture makes it look like Gohan had just discovered the R34 for all of his female costars.

Yep, especially unfortunate since the premise sounds pretty neat, in my opinion.

That does seem like something Vega would do in ME3

Now playing

As someone who has spent countless hours enjoying Bioware games, from Baldur’s Gate, to Kotor, to Dragon Age, to Mass Effect, even up to ME: Andromeda, I will be completely ignoring this game. No matter how good the game has the potential to be, EA will ruin it. EA’s predatory monetization of it’s games and pursuit of

Neither men nor women are monoliths. The idea that an explicit series of rules around consent will ever be adequate to handle every given person and every given situation is a bad one, and litigating matters so that “consent” is about following a series of specific rules is never going to work.

Don’t you realize that the internet banning together to fuck up someone’s life is like a Black Mirror episode? I’m indifferent to what he did, but even if I had an issue with it, I wouldn’t be going around yelling about what I personally consider to be morally correct. I hate internet lynch mobs and I hate censorship.

I hope this means we’ll hear something from the new game this year.

Katawa Shoujo. Pretty good game, if you ask me.

whoa =p


I went to Ferguson during the Mike Brown protests, and I met this black woman in her 60s, who was walking from one protest to the next, carrying a bunch of protest signs. I asked to help her carry the signs, and while we walked the 3 miles to the next site, she told me all about going to civil rights protests in the

So, to be clear:

This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are

Actually, its pretty much the same. Men are constantly bombarded with derision from all sides about how they're all sexist pigs because they looked at a womans ass that one time. Women buy beauty magazines...I dont know why actually, and are bombarded with how they're fat and ugly etc. Difference being men can't get

Because it was written by Hugo Schwyzer, King of proving he's a feminist by dude-bashing. That said, I know this is anecdotal, but it is primarily men who do the "I'm sorry, I suck" thing. And yeah, when women pull the "I'm so fat" crap, it's also super annoying.

I'm sorry, you came here looking for something that wasn't sexist? Come now you must be joking with all your logic and reason!