We paid to experience the story that we love. Not to have it rewritten. Especially not by people who made all the dull spin offs.
We paid to experience the story that we love. Not to have it rewritten. Especially not by people who made all the dull spin offs.
As a fighting game I think SF5 is solid enough, I prefer it mechanically over 4, but I’m old and bad at games so...
I can understand objecting to the insulting stuff, like the leering guy at the car show asking if the girl at the display comes with the car. But in the main this is like complaining “This guy came up to the checkout counter and said ‘How’s it goin’?’ when in fact he doesn’t even know me.” The purpose of this kind of…
Personally I will be playing in Japanese if they have the option.
Items disabled? Check. Broken controllers? Check. Using a technique built into the game? STOP RIGHT THERE.
I was wondering when an article like this would show up. My two best pieces of advice are:
1) Don’t (at least not right now). It’s an expensive hobby and a rabbit hole. Prices are high right now, but they’re deflating a bit (for NES and SNES, at least).
But if you absolutely have to:
2)Never pay full retail in cash.…
Well-written and agreed wholeheartedly.
A long, long time ago - probably at least a decade ago - I was listening to an interview on NPR with a scholar of Aramaic. He was talking about the multiple translations of religious texts, the power/prejudice/limitations of language. It was very interesting. One of the examples he used was the story of Sodom and…
Does anyone see the irony and hypocrisy in this besides me?
My initial bracket was chalky but then i went back and really looked at the analytics.
If The Adventures Of Tintin and The BFG suggested that the director’s craftsmanship rarely extends to entirely CGI worlds, this IMAX-scaled spectacle begs to differ
Who told you that planned parenthood tries to convince women to have abortions? Their primary role is to give women the power to decide if and when they get pregnant, IE: education and contraceptive (be it the pill, IUD, condoms, etc). They give you the information and let you decide. They also do yearly pap spears,…
1) GMO’s, along with preservatives, are arguably the most important scientific achievements of the 20th century
Corgi owner, here. While I completely understand your dislike towards corgis (I have similar feelings towards certain breeds. I know it’s not right, but I can’t help it), it does make me very sad. Partially cuz... yes, I’m biased, so there’s that.
You missed a critical one: Explosive diarrhea out your dick. You think it’s a gamble trusting a fart NOW? Besides unless the diameter of the equipment involved increases, I’m not interested in pooping out a pencil-thin rod of poop every time. I’m not piping a cake here.
Any reference to the “War on Christmas” should die in 2018. It was never a thing. Majority of people don’t give a shit. Greet us however you want.
I have a strange musical illiteracy when it comes to post Millennium indie rock. It’s not that it’s not my thing, it’s that I don’t understand why it appeals to anybody. Take Country music. That’s not my thing, but I get it. I see why it scratches somebody’s itch. Same with hip hop. It’s not for me, but I see why it…
Perry: Go. Sleep badly. Any questions, hesitate to call.
Yeah, I’ve never met a guy who called himself a “feminist” with a straight face who wasn’t a completely humorless idiot.