How many assholes have we got on this ship anyhow?

And the orbital tracks. I bet it didn’t see those! What else are they not hiding?

Eh I get it. Like if we find out one of the emails actually was secret and it actually got out and that actually caused damage? That a bit reasonable.

23. A Trans Missionary

Exactly. I don’t know why I always forget this is in Kazakhstan. I think a helpful reminder of the full Borat title is in order...

Ditto. My response below (gray) is my reason for caring about this. Having had experience there. It's not cool.

Well, that’s my experience at least. And I should have said that’s why I care. It’s why I’m following it. And I supported her at one time!

Because having worked in classified areas; you keep things separate. Classified networks are certainly a pain. They get more: scanning, checking, encryption, verification, access control, and audits. Non-classified networks get, maybe, Norton 2010?.

Came for this. Was not disappointed. Thank you!

No combustion but still a cool... fan? I'd put one on my desk!

Doh! That explains it! Goddamn instructions! Who the hell wrote this crap, a defense contractor!?

This could have easily been paid for without tax money.... MTV Presents: GeekHouse! 7 socially anxious scientists including at least 4 virgins are sealed into a dome in order to test rocks and test the bounds of human awkwardness, and maybe even learn something about themselves. Who studies whom? Tune in!

It’s usually the simplest explanation is the real one (it floated under the surface), but I’ll bite: Basically someone landed the plan on an island, took this part off, stripped the tag, and suspended it under water to allow for optimal sea life growth. Then once satisfied released the flapperon offshore knowing it

Not sure what you just said but I hope you feel better now.

With Lockheed if you want cheap, it’ll cost ya.

Trump is DEFINITELY #2.

We’d have to call it like ‘cool’ ship or something so the lawyers would actually compete for a seat, and then jockey for first class. I have this image of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, but with lawyers overruling each other's layouts until...

Cool, how do we measure? Monetary, or testimony?

Funny below this is an ad for Lockheed. So how is their little project coming along? Been a year right? What, 9 years left til sweet sweet fusion?

Yay I’m a 40%’r!! That’s settled. Now how do we determine the rest who are worthy?

With a stylus?