I don’t know about her but in my school at her age... you think she was picked on before???
I don’t know about her but in my school at her age... you think she was picked on before???
“Ooh, uhm, yeah... that’s not where we’re going.”
I only have an iPhone. For me: apps. I’ve had an iPhone for years and have put a lot of money into apps. I’m not thrilled with the idea of buying them again for droid, if they exist.
I’m a lib but I lol’d.
“each idiot you put in front of you is a person whose driving you can avoid as opposed to having them in control of your destiny behind you.”
And you grew up to be... wait.... let me guess: lawyer! No, Wall Street! Yeah you work on Wall Street! What’d I win? (Not dinner at your house, I’ll pass.)
Wait, that’s a real film? Ha! I thought the trailer above was the film!
Voice over casting: James Earl Jones or Samual L. Jackson?
This right here. Goddamn truth. Next I need you to do takedowns on my vegan mothers posts about “Harvard Chief Neuro-oncologist says...” And my conspiracy friends who post “Ex-CIA field operative says....” You’re doing Gods work taking on these cheeseheads.
Great article. Personally I tend to hate that type of architecture. It actually reminds me of communism. Nothing says ‘obey’ to me more than this kind of design. Ironic. Another example of human thought fallacy: the more doctrinaire one becomes of any ideology, the more one tends to look like those they’re opposing.
Just ignore this bleeding edge tech post and click on the nice shiny ads. You'll feel a lot better.
Didn’t they get the memo that you’re supposed to slowly leak new tech over time and hold back big jumps a bit?
Difficult hobby? That’s what you got from this? Ok then. I see how your previous comments makes sense now, to you. I’ll admit I’m surrounded by assholes so I’m probably one too, but that was not my point.
Holy crap! Eric Limer’s at Pop Mech?
Movies: not their right. Most proprietors forbid excessive talking. And refunding you is because they don’t want bad review you’ll give them. They’re not obligated. That’s why I don’t go to movies.
Your pretty narcissistic if that’s how read it. You probably don’t see what the big deal is about smokers in public places, and you prob hate when others talk in movies, unless you do it. Then it’s OK for you.
Exactly. I think manufacturers could do more here for awareness too. And you’re in an interesting position to see both sides. But with light aircraft UAV’s when the general public can fly their own, I think they’ll at least program the rules into them.
This. x10. As a poor kid I spent hundreds of hours on kits. That taught me patience. Kit glo planes were tough to fly and moderately dangerous so I seeked instructors. Then I too moved to ARFs and RTFs as an adult (job $) and was happier with the ease and price, but still the respect and caution was instilled. Nitro…