That didn’t take long, although I didn’t expect one for P3.
That didn’t take long, although I didn’t expect one for P3.
[Images: Platinum Games | Atlus | Platinum Games]
You’re running errands like some kind of loser, picking up carrots and toilet paper and shit, and you see him as you’re comparing the prices on two cans of beans. You’re wearing your washed out novelty Zelda t-shirt because it’s laundry day, and your heart just sinks. You know that you have to meet him—but why…
Was waiting for someone to make a Dragon Force reference. Was not disappointed.
To be fair, I think ice cream would have won even if they didn’t have characters attached to it. Seriously, who the hell doesn’t like ice cream?
Yahtzee had a very hilarious take on this game. I’ve heard some pretty generic Military protaganist names before, but Cole Black has to be pretty high up the list!
“The world could always use more Anime.”
To this day, I still don’t know how the rankings work, so I’ve mostly stayed out of Competitive. I felt I did poorly this season in the prelimenary matches (4/10 wins, I think) and somehow ranked Gold (I think the highest I’ve gotten is Silver).
Wow, the full version is pretty well put together; particular that ending. The theme song just oozes style and is incredibly upbeat.
That would have been a funny way to end the video if his voice actor was in this.
What conference are you most excited about?
I don’t own one yet, but I totally see myself keeping it on the dock 90% of the time. Only reason I can see myself undocking is when the TV is in use or to play in bed.
I borrowed my friend’s copy and played it up to the final boss that straight up murdered me in its last form. Had my friend try and he got farther than me, but died eventually. Pretty sure I was underleveled and missing a few of the Bro Special Attacks.
Still waiting for a Wario & Waluigi RPG. C’mon Nintendo, you’ve got two teams that have worked on Mario RPGs, I’m sure one could nail this idea.
I dread what Arena will look like in the next couple days. I’m somewhere in the 13th Tier and usually run into at least one team with at least one character from the most recent character summon event. Some even compose a team of all the characters from whatever summon is going on (probably to show off and/or…
I have no shame admitting I’ve never played *insert title*, unless it’s with a group of “hardcore players” for whatever game. For Destiny/Dark Souls, I can sum up by saying I’ve played a bit of the demo/Bloodborne and say it wasn’t for me. But even for games I don’t like or haven’t played, I enjoy listening to these…
I know the feeling. I’m impressed when someone brings up they’ve played a Persona game, or any JRPG for that matter.