Dark Aether

The article was updated but the author did not highlight the edit.

I misread (I could’ve sworn I saw only PC; must have only looked at the patch notes). No need to get worked up.

No word on when this will hit consoles?

Hmm, number two seems to be a common issue among recent stealth games I’ve noticed. Think MGS5 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The best options to solve most problems typically revolved around a small set of tools despite given a very generous amount of abilities. Usually a combination of tranquilizer guns and rifles

Likewise. I recall only being only curious when the game was announced, even when it was confirmed it was coming to consoles. It wasn’t until I actually got some hands-on time that it went from curiosity to must-buy. This is coming from someone who typically avoids shooters and multiplayer-only games.

Never did get a chance to play this game. Anyways, I’ve been enjoying your recent articles as of late. Well done!

Thank you! Xrd is a fine game, but still a bad example of how to handle post release content. Removing the English dub was really the last straw for me, and I cannot in good faith support this practice if this is going to be the standard for them moving forward.

I only got the Skullyata skin through grinding. A part of me wishes I had straight out bought loot boxes, but considering I barely got any rare items this event, who knows....

Ha ha, I saw that original conversation. Anyways, I didn’t have anything new to really add that hasn’t already been said. I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading this and it made me feel better about being a typical average gamer who plays in his spare time when he’s off the clock and happened to stumble his way to

As someone who didn’t enjoy the platinum demo, I’m glad to hear the final combat is much more enjoyable. There does appear to be a learning curb which does worry me a bit if you still haven’t gotten the hang of several hours in, but I’m sure it will iron itself it out with practice.

Its influence will ripple through video games in the same way that titles like Half Life or Halo managed in their time. Beautiful and bold, Titanfall 2 is the pinnacle of first person shooters.

Is it that time already? *Readies piano*

Agreed. I loved when you could actually see Samus’s eyes and face briefly either through bright flashes or through the scan visor. It really nailed the first person persepective that you really were Samus Aran.

Nice! Have not played the first game (didn’t have my PS3 at the time), so this will be my first Red Dead.

Fighting games. Don’t get me wrong, I love just about everything about them, but I don’t have time to learn how to do a million combos in several different games at once. If I can’t pick up and play like Smash, I’m done.

I was playing regularly for a time on the PS3, but I lost interest after a period of time (likely other games). I had fun even as a solo player, but you’ll get more out of it if you have friends. Don’t attempt Heists with random players though.

Blizzard is really having fun with these character lines. Wasn’t expecting a line for Junkrat about boba/bubble tea. Also, I’m enjoying these little winks to some of the fan created stuff outside the game continuity.

Now playing

Best soundtracks? Hmm, where do I start? Okay, I’ll start with one classic game and end with one recent game.