
When people are racist you get article like this one. Color has nothing to do with opening such a shop. Get a grip of yourself and reality and stop being racist.

Dear black people how do you talk about white people talking abou stuff?
1. Don't

I am not talking about you specifically I do not even know you…..

I am sorry I can not follow anymore maybe becasue English is not my native langugae. But here is my connection to all of this.

No… these people who were offended by this mean joke are the same ones who write these death threats to this little girl because they think she is a racist.

Teasing? She received death and rape threats because of it. You really think this is teasing?

No you are supposed to not force your own morals and believes on others. Go find it offensive. So what? Will you die of cancer if you think its offensive? No. Let others have their fun and just ignore it?

For you it maybe not funny. For other it is. Stop forcing your morals and beliefs on other people. If you are offended so what? Grow up and deal with it.

Congratulations you have no discriminated people…

Better than turning into gawker. And so what grow up deal with it. That is the first thing you learn as kid.

The majority of comedy normally ridiculed them. They are being made fun of.

first of all. Lynching like that happens all the time. Yes they will no get murdered but they receive death threats, and they tro to character assassinate people.

Again yes if we would see it both ways equally yes. But this is not the case on social media.

yes and this is normally right. HOWEVER. There is some double standards here. Especially on social networks.

Comedy is the bridge or social acceptance. If you can not make fun of something like a group they are not socially accepted by our society.

No I am not. I despise PC because its censorship. And I will say it again. Comedy is based on the misfortune others. It is based on stereotypes. That is what comedy is mostly about. Try to take this away and you will kill comedy.

youtube comments are as worse as twitter. Again Cancer and it needs to be removed to make this world a better place.

There is a huge difference between comedy and statements. And of course even if they say it why do you even judge people because of one sentence? Especially on something like Twitter which is not even the place for discussions at all.

Sounds like: Hey look. People need to look what they are wearing. Whats next? People should look after their drinks when they drink with strangers?

have you not seen this sexist fanservice Fire Emblem X Persona game? So many pantyshots und big boobs. PC people will lose their mind about it.