Darius Raqqah

What if the invasion doesn’t work though? Consider the possibility that this doesn’t end with the destruction of Hamas, if it ends up being as counterproductive as Israel’s initial funding of Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO was. What then? People need to consider whether this action will definitively work before

What’s a red hat?


Check out how many of the world’s top 30 Facebook using countries are currently committing either genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Biden opposed Saudi Arabia’s evil destruction of the Yemeni people (which any one who isn’t a grey shrivelled vileness spewing soul would always condemn) so much he literally declared his intention to make them a “pariah state”, when our weapons deals with them are worth billions. Once again, a troll barks up the

Would like to cross reference that list with authoritarian regimes as opposed to proper democracies. It’s hardly surprising to see Iran, India or Saudi Arabia colored as they are Hungary and Israel? Great work you two. Good job.

Would like to cross reference that list with authoritarian regimes as opposed to proper democracies. It’s hardly surprising to see Iran, India or Saudi Arabia colored as they are Hungary and Israel? Great work you two. Good job. 

And I condemn that evil Houthi action, because morally it would make me a bad person to do anything else.

Our resident Saudi shill has been offered an opportunity to condemn the murder of hundreds of African civilians and has refused to do so.

They have joined an organization which, by refusing to sanction Russia’s horrific invasion of Ukraine, essentially supports it.

Speaking of paid up shills of authoritarian regimes, would our resident saudi Yemeni genocide defending shill who likes to defend the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni civilians like to defend the murder of hundreds of Ethiopian civilians?

Considering the degree of contrition he showed after the invasion of Libya killed 80,000 people, I’d say it’s more likely than you think.

Am I the only one who thinks India is moonwashing it’s Prime Minister’s ethnic cleansing campaign towards its Muslim minority?


Ah yes. Compare the man who has given you American sources calling the drone war into question a Nazi/Russian.

Indeed. And yet, 90%% of the civilian death toll in Yemen is Saudi caused, due to their blockade of Aden, causing no food or medicine to reach a starving populace.Defending cholera. Interesting that you would look to deny that basic fact. How much do they pay you?

What you don’t get, is that anti-imperialism, anti-cultural genocide, anti-supremacism, must by definition, if it is honest, either be total or nothing. I oppose the anti-Ukrainianism of the Mosvals. I oppose the anti-Uighurism of Beijing. I oppose the anti-Yemenism of the Saudis and the UAE. I oppose the

I hope they do. It would be a sad day if a brave people who’ve spent this much blood and tears, more sacrifice than either of us will ever understand fighting a horrific Russian attempt at national/cultural genocide were to decide that dictatorships are worth supporting so long as they are Western supported ones.

Do you have any evidence for your claim that Iraq had WMDs, Baghdad just hid them in Syria? Yes or no. Do you have any evidence for that claim? It’s a simple enough question and it’s been asked enough times by now to see you deflecting by trying to change the subject to drone strikes when we’ve covered that one in