The relative handful is the number which have sanctioned Russia (45 countries, home to 16% of the World’s population - though a majority in economic terms, sanctioning countries holding 61% of global GDP)
The relative handful is the number which have sanctioned Russia (45 countries, home to 16% of the World’s population - though a majority in economic terms, sanctioning countries holding 61% of global GDP)
Who are you replying to?
Exactly. Here in America, all a man needs is an idea, the gumption to get it off the ground, a father who owned an emerald mine, and the strength to keep going through the rough times, the times when there’s only one set of footprints in the sand.
Then you’re in the same place I am, and I have absolutely no hesitation in drawing the line at N before F. They’re not the same. But then again, I’m not white, (reckon you could call me an NFT) either.
In Cosby’s defense, he let MLK borrow a microphone one time.
If they were their hideous invasion would have ended before it even began. But China, India, Israel, Turkey, Middle Eastern countries of OPEC+, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia haven’t made it so.
Who are you replying to?
I know your shtick is pretending to be Black on the Root, but it’s really not considered polite for white people to call Black people race traitors. That’s not one of your words Rappaport.
Are we though?
Everytime I see Joy Reid’s name in a headline I find myself hoping that this isn’t one of those times where she’s embarrassed herself horrible again, and good, this isn’t one of those.
What about Dorner?
I know your shtick is pretending to be Black on the Root, but it’s really not considered polite for white people to call Black people race traitors. That’s not one of your words Rappaport.
Many Central Americans too, in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua.
i dont belive you
Finally. A valuable and inspiring comment section devoid of trolls, historical ignorance, thought terminating cliches, whataboutism, spurious accusations of racism, people dismissing comments which disagree with them, conducted in good faith.
no she would never do anythign like that
leave diana alone