
@ohnoitsaspider: It's in italics to express the immense disgust.

I don't know why, but I'm more interested in Yoko's cleavage than this post. Or perhaps I should thank this post for bringing some cleavage. Either way, for an old person, that's some pretty decent cleavage. Oh, and hey! Beatles in iTunes! Too bad that in Jamaica we can only buy stuff from the app store! No

@planetarian: Ah, I know what you mean. I've been trolling some Russian dude on Facebook since yesterday. I hereby retract the last sentence of my previous post! Now, let us drink and be merry, yes?

@planetarian: Let me clarify what I meant (or thought you meant).

@CubemonkeyNYC: I just recently got into building computers and the like (built my first one 2 weeks ago!), so I've only recently had a true appreciation for this type of thing. It's fun!

I am LOVING the new mobos.

@planetarian: Read the source link before you comment please. Meet the Maximus IV Extreme.

almost thought he said "backtraced on Ping"

@NinjaTaco: Nah, I don't think that's it. I can see what he's saying, and perhaps in practice, these problems become more pronounced. Also, I find that Matt's reviews are the only ones I trust completely, without needing to get 3rd or 4th opinions (maybe a 2nd).

I am glad that, in all the trailers, they haven't revealed how it will look when Sam is digitized. Can't wait to see how they update the look of the process!

@YankBoffin: You know, you're right. I've seen people pump lots of money into a shitty car to make it look 'hype'. Point taken.

To all the haters; if he's spent 400 HOURS working on these, do you really think he'd skimp on sound quality?

@hjustin93: I like where this thread is going

Zegoe UI light, please

@Grindhouse Murders: Did you even read the source article? There will be games designed for the platform. Specifically.

@Lord_Data ∞: But I use HTML tags without problems. Seeeee?!

I bought a 5770 last week! Should I try and return it?

@robshapiro002: as another commenter said, "This isn't about using a phone less, but about making it faster to get at what you want. "