
I have never been so excited to roll up my sleeves for an election in my life than I am for 2018. Everyone who feels utterly helpless in the face of everything that Trump and his ilk are doing will have every chance to push back in a real and meaningful way. The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but what the GOP

I’ll try, but I’m pretty sure they’re going to tell me “Sir, this is an elementary school. You have to live in Alabama to vote for that election.”

Moore will be a U.S. Senator.

Vote. Fucking vote. You have to fucking vote.

Ugh, take your star you savage.

Fuck Roy Moore.

Well I hope you learned it was actually an INSULT because that coin has a WOMAN on it!!1!

Why would the US go back to Asia if LaVar Ball won’t even acknowledge the great deeds of President Trump in China?

out of curiosity, was this possibility raised at any point before the IOC banned Russia from the Winter Games? Because the idea that Donald is actually doing this to “be a bitch” is absolutely hilarious.

For some of the Peralta Community College students, this might have been their only chance to get A’s.

And that’s only if you’re white. Anyone of color will have to enter through the service door around back.

I agree. She shouldn’t be on leave, and his complaint should be tossed out. And tgen tge department should design a policy wherein sensitivity training and poluce-community relations seminars are headed by professionals trained in that field (usually social workers/ industrial psychologists/ and HR professionals, not

This was a sensitivity training seminar, narrowly defined as focused on the subject of police interaction with transgender individuals! What more specific environment could there be for the need to use the most convincing and non-confrontational language?

The problem here is one of using language to achieve the intended goal of understanding, rather than spark debate. Both the officer’s question and the Captain’s answer were inartful. His poorly worded question clearly implied that he doesn’t even understand how a statistic about oppression is derived and interpreted,

The proper spelling is “$cientology.”

Don’t celebrate just yet; Lynch is coming back in a couple of weeks so we have a great chance of scoring the coveted 3 QB bad quarterbacking hat trick!

Remember when Elway went through twitter to call out people who questioned him using a pick on Siemiam after he had like one good game? That was neat

Two performances by two different quarterbacks no less. An outstanding achievement

LOL. Fuck you John Elway you horsey piece of shit.