
From the days of yore, when one would say “I live by the old brown oak” people have had addresses.  It is 2018...it seems as if the Native Americans are trying to have their cake and eat it too on this.  

I find Ivanka fascinating.  She is beautiful.  Very smart.  She is a good wife and mother.  She is fierce.  She knows business and economics.  Politically she is savvy without being a politician.  I would love for her to grow a grassroots movement that would propel her into the White House.  I see no other woman on

Honestly, I hope she runs. I think she would be a wonderful first female President.  I hope she is using her time in Washington to learn and grow.  I look forward to the possibility.

I think she would be awesome.  I think she should reconsider.  If she wants to run for President in the future, this would be a great stepping stone.  

These stars have everything the world can offer, fame, money, homes, mistresses, children but still are seeking something to fill the void and even here in America where the Gospel is preached freely, they reject the only one that can fill them...Jesus.  

She’s a female Lucas.

I think this is life...sometimes men last, sometimes not. Sometimes they engage for extended periods of time devoting themselves to the experience, other times they just are slave to desire and only engage for a moment. Sometimes they are anxiety riddled, other times not. Sometimes they feel inadequate, hurt and

Honestly, I really believe this has occurred not by evolution but by design. Men are generally driven by goals and performance. Women, connection and intimacy. The beauty of the differences in stimulation that in many ways men forget goals and performance and connect and face the realitites of intimacy...while for

What does ‘Make Africa Home Again’ mean?  I this like the Back to Africa movement?

I think it is really short-sighted to call Cleveland fans racists. They aren’t racists. They fell in love with a mascot caricature that over time did not stand the test of time. It is hard to let things go, to let the past die. They have done it though. They are moving on...they are strong and resilient fans of a

Just to take Clevinger’s side here, he was completely on point in his assessment in the interview.  Houston, in general is no more “special” than the Tribe.  They beat Houston in the regular season.  This series got out of hand, the Indians weren’t playing well and they were swept.  They worked really hard all year

One question...was this event Keira’s first?  I know Kate has multiple children...I think it gets “easier” or at least more routine...no?

As a male, husband and father the majority of issues women face and controversies over child rearing are self inflicted. My children were raised on formula, had in home and then daycare child care. Have melted down in stores, shown wonderful manners at dinner, eat food off the floor and sometimes look like

The company line here is “We can talk about raises, but b/c nobody leaves and we have very good health care benefits, what we pay you in salary is very competitive.” Translation, don’t ask for more money.

1) There was no rape. 2) He could possibly not remember. 3) It is more probable that it didn’t occur at all b/c it was a “recovered” memory which means it may actually be no memory at all.

Stop.  She wasn’t raped.  Doppleganger or Kavanaugh.

No, if trauma occurred, it is far more likely the victim could be mistaken.

The theory is credible.

All she has is a “recovered” memory.  No doubt she could have been assualted by a brown haired white guy and replaced his face with Kavanaugh’s due to the media attention he was getting....throw in them being from the same area etc...very credible theory.

I think it is time to say that Democrats aren’t the only group with ideas to fight oppression, change the system and destroy the racial divide....Republicans do too.  They aren’t evil, they just approach solutions differently...and it isn’t about standing on privilege or avoidance.  It’s about action and change.