Darin Zimmerman

They mocked Trump as hard as anyone possibly could. There's nowhere left for them to go. Of course it would get boring repeating the exact same jokes that Daily show, Bill Maher, Samantha Bee, CNN, etc. are going to endlessly recycle every week. Faulting them for refusing to endlessly commit themselves to the resist

The historical counterfactual (proper name for this genre) is nothing but an omnipotence fantasy where you get to impose your values on the entire world. Properly understood, it's really a quite sickening display of arrogance. Physics has entropy to explain that systems of order degenerate into systems of disorder. If

This is just so stupid and egotistical. This idea that it was only "our side's" superior morality and not evolving technology that eradicated slavery in the US, is preposterous moral preening. It's like saying if Grog hadn't had the idea to leave the cave and live in the hollow tree trunk all those years ago we'd all

Why do AV Club reviewers insist on shitting all over people who just want to go laugh and have fun? Does every movie have to aspire to be the next, "Citizen Kane?"

I'd describe you as an, "outlier". Outliers are technically "odd" in that they are uncommon, which doesn't imply a negative connotation. Bill Gates and all world-record holders are outliers.

Hey asshole! This article didn't call Trump a fascist even once! What they hell is wrong with you?

When did AV Club replace all of it's writers with junior high school girls? "Oh My God! Everything is, like, sooooooo fascist these past 10 days."

I don't know what the big deal is: it's only denouncing white males. It's certainly no worse than anything you'd read on Slate denouncing conservatives.

AVC: "we may be totally terrified of perishing in a nuclear apocalypse"
Translation: We may be mildly annoyed when we are reminded that not everyone shares our values and outlook.

Read it yourself

A lot of the comment seem to be missing the point: The comment has absolutely nothing to do with blacks or Conservatives or Republicans. They are not comparable in any way. The point is related to tactics and rhetoric and self-awareness of Southern Democrats and contemporary persons of the Left.

Think back 50, right around the time of passage of the Civil Rights Act, and consider how Southern Democrats talked about Blacks.

Only the manly one ones: the effeminate ones get to be humiliated as Putin's bitch.

It was well covered in the fake news

I was one of them. She, a 19-year old adult, consented to act in a scene where the script depicted an anal rape. That's what the story called for so that's what she had to do if she wanted to be a movie star. I don't doubt it made her feel icky or even violated, but every job in the world makes everyone feel a little

Scrawler's 100% right! My experience in the comments has been more defenders than normal humans.

Where are all the people from yesterday who were bitching about what a monster the director from Last Tango in Paris is? A 19-year old girl who wanted to be a movie star read that there would be an anal rape scene in the script, but at the last minute butter was added to the simulated penetration and 40 years she

Who raped her? It was simulated sex, not real penetration, in a movie in which she read the script that called for simulated sex.
That wasn't rape then. But by today's definition of rape it is. At the time she fully consented to the act, but 30 years later she regretted it, so it's rape.

Well then maybe we should dig up all the former slave owners and put them on trial for owning slaves and put their skeletons on display so that we can triumphantly engage in virtue signaling.

This is why there is a statute of limitations on crimes. The scene in question was filmed 44 years ago. We are judging it by today's standards that have evolved for the last 44 years. Back then people were expected to be adults. Some of the adults were even fighting a war in Vietnam. Today, everyone is an eternal